You and I

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As a little reminder: This story has absolutely no basis in our real world. Everything here is purely fictional and should be treated as such.


Pham Hanni, 26 - half vietnamnese, half australian

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Pham Hanni, 26 - half vietnamnese, half australian

A kind-hearted soul who has her heart in the right place. She was and still is always in a good mood and made most people around her laugh, especially Minji. The two of them really did everything together during school. Unfortunately, things change over time, no matter what you try. She has grown into a mature woman who still has a good laugh. Somehow she's managed to become a youtube star, she's become quite famous for her singing, if I do say so myself. 

Kim Minji, 26 - korean

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Kim Minji, 26 - korean

Even at school, Minji was a rather reserved and quiet person. Of course, that didn't stop her from joining in with her friends' shenanigans from time to time. But she was devastated when she heard that her parents were splitting up and she was moving abroad with her mom. It was a very lonely time for her, but somehow she managed. Grown into a young adult, she still has a quiet personality and works in a job where she has to interact with as few people as possible.

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