Meeting at the party

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My friends had invited me to a house party. It was a small house but the party was packed. There were dozens of people I didn't know. I decided to keep to myself and sit on an empty couch in the basement where most people are making out or getting high. I'm there on my phone until two drunk guys come up to me. They start making fun of me and saying how my body looked so feminine. They were about to go on about how weak I was until a voice commanded them to stop. I didn't recognize this voice. I looked down to avoid seeing someone I wasn't familiar with but a red fingernail lifted up my chin. "mmm so the rumors are true" said the lady in front of me.

"Rumors? What rumors?" I asked worried. Had someone been spreading lies about me? "The rumor that a cute little nerdy boy was here all alone." She winked at me. My face grew red. The gorgeous lady thought I was cute. She sat next to me and pulled me over to sit on her thigh. "Have you been drinking cutie?" She asked with a slight flirtatious tone. She was so hot. "No ma'am. I walked here so I'm not drinking." I said to her. She gave me a smile before handing me a shot. "Here baby boy. I'll drive you home. Just have some fun." I took the shot and for some reason I trusted her enough to take me home. I got a few more drinks handed to me. It was like I was a celebrity. I got to sit here on this woman's thigh while she gave me all the drinks I wanted.

When the party was over I was obviously tipsy. I got into the lady's car and began talking with her again. "mm name..? What's your name?" I asked. She buckled my seatbelt and smiled "it's Jess. How about you pretty boy?" I blushed and bit my lip. "It's Andy" I mumbled as I pushed up my glasses. I heard her whisper what I thought was "cute" before driving me to her house. She promised to let me stay there with her for the night since I was far too drunk to be home alone. She made me a nice bed on the floor in her living room and she left me alone. Only problem was that I didn't want to be alone. I wanted her.

I slowly got up and made my way to her room where she was laying in bed watching a movie. She smiled when she saw me. "Awh hi my love. What are you doing over here? Aren't you sleepy?" She questioned me. I didn't say anything. I just sat back on her upper thigh and fell asleep on her. She didn't move me. I think she liked it. I hope she did.

When morning came I woke up with my glasses falling off my face and my head pressed deep into her chest. Jeez Andy calm down. When I sat up Jess did the same. "Good morning sleepy head. I see you found some nice pillows to sleep on" she jokes as she gestured to her boobs. I blushed and laughed awkwardly. It wasn't my fault my head landed there but god am I glad it did. Jess let me stay on her lap while she scrolled on her phone for a while. I saw a lot of people post about the party last night. I looked through the posts with Jess until we both got tired and hungry. "Do you want me to make you breakfast Andy?" She asked as her nails ran through my hair. I nodded and leaned into her hands. She gave me a small kiss on the cheek before walking to the kitchen.

After breakfast was finished Jess gave me the option of going home or hanging out with her. Obviously I chose the second option. We spend the afternoon together playing around and watching movies but when night came Jess had a date planned out for us. I didn't have clothes to change into so I had to borrow some of her pants and a tight black shirt. Surprisingly they both fit me. I guess those guys were right when they said my body was feminine.

Jess smiled at me as she looked me up and down. "So cute. What a gorgeous boy." I blushed and hid my face. She giggled and led me to her car. When we were both in I questioned where we were going. Jess refused to answer until finally we pulled into a fancy Italian restaurant. "Oh Jess... you didn't have to reserve this just for me" I felt bad. She just brushed it off and smiled. "Pretty boys deserve the best."

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