chapter 7

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Lilith's POV:

pulling into the garage this feeling in my gut won't go away and usually I don't ignore this and I haven't but other then saint I know everything is okay and that's what worrys me is I don't know if he's okay the only good thing is he's less then 5 minuets away if need be Ive never been like this before feeling like I need to protect someone other then my two best friends but they're family that's different I've never experienced this and I hate it because for this first time in years I fear something, I haven't feared anything since something broke in 9 year old me's self and I started making my escape plan, walking into the kitchen I must be really lost in thought cause I didn't even see my dad sitting at the counter "what's got you so lost in thought princessa" sighing "I met someone today at school and I don't know he just reminds me of my past self so much" "what do you mean princessa" pops asks "like trapped, scared, alone, exhausted, it's just when he started talking about his home life everything changed and now I just have a weight in my gut that's something's not okay" "what do you what to do princessa" he asks "well pops I already know he won't just accept a handout so I just have to wait for him to be ready for that leap and when he is already have penthouse here that him and his mom can stay at I just hope one day I can earn his trust, I know how that takes time though" I mumble the last part "it does take time princessa but you said it yourself you see a part of yourself in him maybe that will make things easier" "thank you dad" I walk up and give him a hug before going up to my room and right as I enter that knot in my stomach gets bigger and my phone starts going off like crazy looking I confirm that it's the app that's connected to saints ring I gave him running out if the room I grab my keys and yell that I have to go I hear questions but I don't pay anyone any attention as I get into my car and start it speeding out of the garage and then gate I call Killian " he-" "kill I need you to meet me at this address with the van and a couple men" hearing my tone he stays on business "yes Donna" "thank you" I say and hang up pulling to a stop I grab my other gun from under my seat and notice my dads car behind me cursing I get out and rush to the door and kick it open walking in slowly I scan the living room hearing muffled noise I go further when I see the stairs going up with my gun out I follow the noise and when I get there I open the door and see saint with his arms hooked to the ceiling and his step father about to swing I quickly run over and kick him in the back of his knees which makes him fall I round him and start throwing punch after punch and I start to black out when I feel a hand on my shoulder my head quickly snaps up and see my dad he shakes his head and points it toward saint whose still hanging "shit" I jump up and start untying him "are you okay angel" "ye-y-yes thank y-you" "don't thank me angel come on let's go pack you a bag "where a-are we g-going" "well your not staying here angel so I'm taking you to my penthouse so you and your mom can have privacy is she here" "Y-yes she's in t-the kitchen h-he knocked h-her o-out" "okay I'll go pack her a couple outfits for tonight, we can come back for the rest of your guys things" "y-you d-dont have to d-do this l-lilith" " I know I want to now let's go" "thank you" he whispers in defeat and leads me to his mom's room after I pack up I go downstairs and see Killian "hey boss everything okay" he asks and I appreciate that he says boss instead of Donna I don't wanna explain shit right now to anyone "it is now, I need you to go and grab the fuck that's knocked out and take him to go sleep it off and then I need someone to grab the lady that's on the floor in the kitchen and put her in my back seat please and thank you" "yes boss" he says and walks up the stairs and comes back carrying that piece of scum and then I see another one of my men carrying saints mom bridle style to my car and at last saint comes down you can tell the stairs were a pain in the ass "ill have my doctor come look at you when we get to the house" "thank you Lilith i-i really a-appreciate everything you've done and are doing" "your welcome angel, do you need help walking to the car or are you okay" "H-help please" "okay come on" I say going under his arm and wrapping mine around him and it feels like fireworks going off all around my skin, after getting him In the car I turn and look at my dad "well I'm gonna get them settled and then I should be home before dinner but I'll let you know, thank you for following me pops" "your welcome princessa I'll see you at home" with that he gets into his car and drives away getting into my own car I start driving to my house on the way there I call the doctor and tell him to be there, pulling into the parking garage and parking I help him up and have someone take his mom up to the penthouse and to the couch where the doctor and Killian are waiting "I'll give you guys some privacy me and Killian will be in the kitchen if you need us" I say going to walk away but he quickly grabs my hand "p-please s-stay" he whispers "okay angel" looking over at Killian "wait for me in my office I'll be in there in a minute" "oui Donna" sitting down next to saint the doctor starts checking him over and when he's done he looks at me "well he has a few bruised ribs so he's going to be sore along with the cuts and whip marks on his back and the back of his thighs he's gonna be in pain so I'll leave some pain meds he needs to eat before every dose along with some antibiotics "thanks doc I'll have a bonus transfered to you, I'll need you back here in the morning to look over his mom and check him again" "okay boss we'll see you in the morning, thank you for the bonus me and the wife appreciate you" "of course tell Layla I said hello" "will do boss" after walking him out I go into the living room "are you hunger or need anything angel" "N-no I'm o-okay" "okay baby boy i have to go talk to Killian real quick in my office and then I'll be right out if you change your mind the kitchen is threw those doors walking into my office I grab an old whiskey I save for stressful times and slump into my seat and chug after I take a couple drinks Killian takes that as his que to start speaking "so Donna what the hell was that" "I met him at school today and then again at the end of the day when some kid was being an ass helped him out and then took him to my club and after we went to eat but I could tell that he was being abused so when I dropped him off I gave him the new ring that was created and after I got home talked to my dad and as soon as I walked into my room my phone started going crazy so I rushed and called you it's a good thing my dad followed me I would have killed that piece of shit right there, I want him secure into the lowest floor of cells and I want a doctor to keep him alive only bread, small amounts of water and I'll be there to see him soon feel free to have a little fun but as I said I want. him. alive" "yes donna" "thank you now update me on the move for everyone" "well Donna we have the main mansion set up and all the men are set up some of the family's are still packing but the houses are ready and they should be here in a couple of days" "perfect thank you Killian I don't know what I would do without you, we'll have a meeting tomorrow I won't be going to school so I'll be there after I know everyone's settled here" "alright the men are ready to hear from you and what we plan to do with the Russians since they asked for a meeting" "yes we'll touch all basis tomorrow I'm gonna go make him eat and get everything situated you can head out and I'll see you tomorrow killy" "stop calling me that woman" he groans out well I laugh a little he bids me a good night and walks out after he leaves I call my realtor and ask her to have a few 3-4 bedroom houses to tour in the next couple days after that's finished I go out into the living room to see saint laying down and asleep so I go into the kitchen and make him something to eat after I go wake him up so he can eat "in the morning you can shower before the doc cleans your wounds and stuff" "thank you, a-after my mom wakes up W-we'll be out of here" "your welcome angel but your not going back to that house Ill have a few houses that you and your mom can tour and once you guys pick you can move in" "W-what do y-you mean" "I mean I'm gonna help you guys start fresh and that doesn't evolve you guys going back to a house your nightmares come from" "why are you doing this?w-why are you h-helping us?" "because I know what that's like" is my short response he looks like he's waiting for a response so I decide to elaborate a little "i didn't grow up the best either" is all I can think to really say without going into details "I'll show you to the room you'll be sleeping in let's go" I say before getting up and showing him upstairs to his room "your mom is in the room right next to you and I'm at the end of the hallway if you need me, goodnight angel" "okay, goodnight Lilith sleep well"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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