chapter 4

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Lilith's POV:

After we got back I had my twin show me my room to settle in and before I started unpacking I checked for mics or cameras and once I didn't find anything I started unpacking I may not be opposed to creating a relationship with them but that doesn't mean I'm not still weary

after an hour or so i was finally finished so I went and sat on my bed and did some work, I didn't even realize how long I was sitting here working till someone knocked on my door "come in" I called out and Dante walked in "hey it's dinner time" "okay" I said getting up following him to the dining room, after we sit down the maids serve dinner and we begin eating "after dinner is done can I see you in my office princessa" "okay" I mumble, after everyone eats Alessio gets up and I follow him to his office

sitting down in front of his desk I wait for him to start talking "well we have some rules in this house" I nod for him to continue knowing I'm gonna be making some tweaks to said rules, he hands me a piece of paper so I start reading it

1: don't enter the 4th floor or the basement

2: no dating

3:curfew of 10 on week days and 12 on weekends

4: if you leave the house you must tell someone where your going and when you will be back

5:if you leave you must take a guard or one of your brothers

I look up at him and raise my eyebrow at him " I don't know if you know this but I have been taking care of my dam self for as long as I can remember so these rules are going to need some.. adjustments, 1 I'll respect your privacy if you respect mine snoop into my personal shit and I'll snoop into yours, 2 you do realize I own bdsm clubs right I'm not some innocent little girl and plus I highly doubt any of your son's listen to that rule, 3 again I have been taking care on myself and I have businesses to run and other shit to handle so I can make a compromise and tell you when I'm going to be late and keep you updated, 4 i can handle that and 5 I'm not doing that and it's not something I will compromise with I deserve as much privacy as everyone else and I will not lose out on that because of yours or my line of work"

Alessio's POV:

I listen to my daughter tweak each rule I put in place and I couldn't be prouder I don't want her to be a pushover especially in my line of work, with that thought I think about what she said I tense up a bit she's been kinda dropping hints and I think she knows we are the Spanish mafia but I can't just outright ask because then if she doesn't that's not how I want her to find out "okay I can agree with your changes, oh also school what's that been like for you do you get good grades, I haven't looked into anything because I want to respect your privacy and so I need to know what to tell the principle when I enroll you" "oh I graduated both high school and collage already" I look at my daughter stunned as shit she's 17 what kind of life did she live "ohh well then I guess we don't need to enroll you" "no actually it's just the rest of the year I wouldn't mind to get the school experience I've never been to a school before everything was done online I just need to know when I start so I can hire the long needed assistant" "well we can have you start next Monday that way that gives you a little time to settle in" "okay thank you, anything else" "no princessa that's all, good night I love you and I'm happy to have you back" "goodnight, I'm glad I got to finally meet you guys" she's says with a small smile and it makes my heart bloom I can tell my daughters been through alot by how dead her eyes always look and cold her face rests she looks just like her mothe- FUCK, I forgot to tell my wife, at first I didn't say anything cause I wasn't sure it was real or not what I got that phone call and then everything today has been crazy with her dam sex club and then going crazy in my head while she packed and then talking threw theories with my son I fucking spaced, sighing I pull out my phone and call my wife "hi sweetheart how are you" I ask as soon as she answers "I'm okay love been a long day getting ready to take a bath" "I'm sorry it's been a long day sweetheart but I have something to tell you thats gonna cheer you up" "what is it Al" she asks "well sweetheart I got a call earlier and well we found her baby" I hear her take in a sharp breath of air and its silent for a minute before I hear her whisper "are you serious Alessio" "yes sweetheart she's home, I was gonna just wait till you got home and surprise you but I couldn't live with myself having you walking around like we still didn't have our baby with us" "Thank you thank you" she sobs out " hey calm down for me baby I'm hear you don't have to thank me she's home she's safe, go take a bath calm down, relax and go to bed and I'll see you tomorrow, I love you sweetheart" "I love you too love goodnight" hanging up with my wife I get up and get myself a glass of scotch and sit back behind my desk getting lost in thought, I hear a knock on the door so I yell for them to come in and Dante comes and sits down "okay dad i feel like I'm thinking to much into it but earlier when we were leaving her club one of the guards called her 'donna' " "I don't know son we just have to be patient we can't really expect her to tell us everything when where not exactly being honest ourselves now can we" "I know I know she's just a mystery and one I really wanna solve" "I know son but you can't rush her or she'll pull back completely you can tell she's trying and willing to create a bond with all of us so we have to do everything in our power to be ready for whatever she has to say " sighing he says "I know dad we all will" "alright my boy now let's go to bed it's been a long day and you mother will be home tomorrow" "alright night dad I love you" "I love you to son, goodnight"

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