~The Hospital~

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"(Y/n)!" Aizawa called out to his student, running to try and knock her away from the beast barreling towards her.

Quickly extending her sword, she placed it in front of her body with the blade out. Just as the creature neared her, she shot up into the air, flipping gracefully over the creature's head. Using her downward momentum, she slashed the sword out, forming a large and deep gash on its back.

This didn't slow it down. In fact, it did quite the opposite.

The thing grew enraged and charged with more animosity than it had previously, its movements frantic and violent. (Y/n) skillfully dodged the attacks, grateful for the agility she had been granted.

It didn't take long for something to go wrong however.

While (Y/n) was keeping the Nomu distracted, Aizawa got caught up in a wave of lower-profile villains, easily overpowered by the number of enemies.

He tried his hardest to keep up with the crowd and to make his way to his student, when suddenly his elbow was cracked, eliciting a scream of pain from the pro.

The yell caused (Y/n) to falter, slowing down for a split second. Unfortunately, this was the perfect opportunity for the Nomu to strike.

A brutal force slammed into her rib-cage, a sickening crunch echoed throughout the room. It's like time had stopped as they saw the 18 year-old crumple to the ground in agony.

Red and gold could be seen staining the stomach of her costume, the colors blending together in a beautifully morbid painting.

She groaned in pain as she clutched her hand to her ribs. She could feel fragments of bone jutting out awkwardly from her stomach, one fully penetrating the skin.

She could hear distant voices, the words all scrambled together in a cacophony of sounds. It was hard to tell what was being said and where it was coming from as her head spun in agonizing pain.

A large shadow loomed over her figure, the Nomu staring down at her. Without hesitation it reached out towards her, latching onto her arm. With a slight tightening of its fist, her arm fell limp, and a sound of pain escaped her lips.

With every last bit of strength she had, summoned her sword and sliced the beast's arm clean off, and she plummeted to the ground.

She gasped out, bracing for the impact of the ground, but the pain never came. Instead, she fell into steady arms.

'Oh thank the gods'

She shyly peered up at her savior, before grimacing. It was just her luck that Bakugou Katsuki would be the one to catch her.

He was talking, but the words weren't registering. His voice sounded funny, like he was drunk. Laughing quietly, the girl snuggled into his chest, basking in the warmth he was radiating. She'd just take a quick nap.

Then everything would be ok.

~Bakugou POV~

'What the fuck is she laughing about?! Does she think it's funny that I just saved her sorry life?


The quiet boy stepped forward and took the idiot into his arms. He was mumbling under his breath as he stared down at her bloody face.

I could feel myself sneering at the display. It wasn't like she was dead. The little shit was annoying, but she wasn't fucking weak.

As her self proclaimed 'best friend', he should know that.

~Time skip, 3rd Person POV~


Groaning, the winged girl reached out to shut off her alarm. Oddly, she couldn't feel her nightstand. Come to think of it, this didn't even feel like her room. The temperature was off.

Fighting against the crust around her eyes, she blinked. She was met with cheap florescent lights, and the concerned face of her uncle.

"Don't ever scare me like that again you idiot!"

"Well good morning to you too." Yawning, she moved to sit up, and was met with excruciating pain.

"Holy shit-"

The pro hero rubbed his temples in disappointment.

"What the hell even happened?"

He explained what happened in detail, watching as her face contorted into a mask of confusion. She knew that what he was saying was true, the pain clearly displayed that. But why couldn't she remember it?

"Is everyone else alright?"

"Well, Shouta was hospitalized, and the- uh...little green one broke his arm. But other than that, everyone got out without a scratch."

(Y/n) sighed in relief, feeling a smile form on her face.

"Your friends are all worried about you ya know? The hospital staff had to kick them out after visiting hours. Even the feisty one."

She chuckled a bit as she realized who he was referring to.

"They've all brought you some stuff. Lots of chocolate. And pocky" He lazily gestured to the stacks of presents around her bed.

She glanced around at all of the stuff, taken aback by the sheer multitude of gifts. One present caught her eye however. A bouquet of (f/f) flowers were sitting in a beautiful vase on a table in the far corner. Squinting, (Y/n) could read the name on the tag. Written beautifully in cursive, it read:

To: (Y/n) Hakamada

From: Hitoshi Shinsou

Get well soon. :)

For the first time since she woke up from her dazed state,

The girl smiled.

Wow! I've been on a LONG hiatus, but I'm back!

School has been kicking my ass recently, but I'll try to pump out chapters more often! Also, please consider voting!

Reneé <3

Word Count: 933 <3

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