And So It Begins

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"Put your sunglasses on bitch. We're taking the convertible." Tsunagu stated as he dramatically perched his sunglasses on his nose.

You blinked slowly at your uncle, wondering if you had truly made the right choice coming to live with him. Shaking your head, you grabbed your cat's eye sunglasses and put them on.

"I don't understand why they're necessary. Like, do you always need to be dramatic?" The girl asked adjusting her training uniform in the mirror.

"If you're going to be seen in public, the least you could do is look good." He said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his keys from the coffee table. "Now hurry your ass up, or we'll be late."

Tying the laces of her white combat boots, the girl gave herself a final glance in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, the girl headed out the door.

Hopping into the passenger seat of her uncle's convertible, she connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth. Scrolling through her Spotify, she decided to put on a shuffle of Lady Gaga songs to try and lift her spirits.

Cranking the volume, her uncle backed out of the driveway and took to the streets. With Born This Way blasting through the cars speakers, (Y/n) let go and for the first time in a good while, she started to relax.

After 6 or so songs, the two arrived at their destination; UA College. With a glance at his niece, the #3 hero turned off the engine and unlocked the doors.

The girl didn't trust her legs as she walked up to the gates of the revered school.

"You ready kid?" He asked, slightly worried about the greenish tint to the girls cheeks.

"As I'll ever be I guess.." She replied. With a long sigh, the girl took the first step towards the entrance.

After finding their way inside, the two were led to an expensive looking training room, filled with around 20 people.

The girl flexed her fingers which were concealed in leather, fingerless gloves and felt her stomach churn as she looked around.

"(Y/n) stop that. You're going to be just fine. You have more talent in your pinky finger than most heroes do." The hero stated as he rested his hand upon her shoulder.

"Even you?" She smirked as she turned her eyes towards him.

"...don't push it kid." He responded, trying (and failing) to conceal his laughter.

The two sat down, and her uncle started to weave her hair into a French braid, softly chatting amongst themselves. Around 15 minutes went by until they heard a soft voice call out.


The girl turned her head towards the source of the sound and was met with her favorite dual colored eyes.

"Hey Shoto. How's life been treating you?" She asked, a slight smile gracing her pretty features.

The boy simply shrugged his shoulders and approached the girl, standing awkwardly next to her. She stared up at him, an eyebrow cocked in interest.

"Not so great huh?"

He simply sighed and slumped down next to her. He stared at his hands and then glanced at the girl. She had her eyes closed and palms on the floor as her uncle fixed a tear in her outfit, stitching the fibers together with skill. He found her calm expression quite interesting and decided to try it out for himself.

He turned and faced her, adjusting his body until he was comfortable. Placing his hands by his sides he shut his eyes and tried to be as relaxed as possible. He honestly felt quite ridiculous, and that feeling only doubled when he heard the slight tinkle of laughter coming from across from him.

He slowly opened one eye and saw the girl, one hand over her mouth, trying to conceal her laughter. His cheeks heated up with what he hoped was only a light blush until he bashfully asked;


This only caused the girl to laugh harder, her chest rising and falling with all of the harsh intakes of breaths.

"It- it looks like you're constipated!" The girl choked out, laughing harder than she had before.

His face exploded in a red tint and he fumbled for the right words, trying to cover for the embarrassment he had just suffered.

Like an angel from above, a voice went out over the intercom calling all of the future students to gather at the front of the gymnasium. The teens were then told to draw lots to see who they would be racing against.

(Y/n) felt a weight lifted off her chest, seeing that she didn't have to compete against Shoto. As much as she admired the boy, she didn't want to ruin her chances of getting into the revered Class 1-A just because she couldn't compare.

Lining up at the starting point, the girl unfurled her long white wings and crouched her body low to the ground, assuming a runners lunge position.

She gathered the particles of water from the air all around her and shifted them under her palms and feet. The girl let out a shaky breath and waited for the sound of the gunshot to send her off.

Eventually she heard the distant beeping noises, signaling a countdown. She prepped her wings, stretching them back as far as they could possibly reach, and prepared herself.

As the gunshot went off, she released her breath and shot forward, her wings and the makeshift water-jets propelling herself forward. She could hear a distant engine rev, but she didn't have time to worry about it. In a flash, the girl was across the finish line. The girl took a moment to catch her breath before she looked up at the time-board.

She had completed the race in 1.27 seconds, beating Shoto out by about .48 of a second.

She was so in shock she fell to her knees and stayed there. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she thought of just how far she had come.

'I did it Dad! Papa! I'm finally making you proud. Oh gods I've actually done it.' She clutched a hand to her chest before standing up.

Since Shoto was the previous high score owner, (Y/n) took his spot as #1 on the score board. She was officially the highest ranking recommended student for the most prestigious Hero College in Japan.

That was totally no pressure at all.

Suddenly the words spoken to her by Shouta Aizawa made sense.

Even she now wondered how long she would last, before she would break.

Another chapter out!! Woohoo!
I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, cause I'm having loads of fun writing it!
If you're having fun, PLEASE vote for the story!
If would mean a whole lot to me!
Thanks for reading!
Word Count: 1145

~ Reneé <3

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