~The Very First Day~

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(My song recommendations for this chapter are Vienna or Drops Of Jupiter)

The soft piano music drifted through the girl's room, slowly lulling her awake.

Opening her eyes and sitting up, (Y/n) softly smiled.

This was finally her day! She was making her mark in history. She was officially the first Valkyrie to attend the prestigious U.A.

Pushing off her (F/C) comforter, the girl set on the edge of her bed, staring at the uniform she had hung up next to her acceptance letter.

Pushing herself up off the bed, (Y/n) strode towards the uniform, softly taking it off of the hanger it was on.

The girl's face broke out into a huge grin as she rushed towards her bathroom.

~After Showering and getting ready~

As she was brushing her teeth, the girl's phone rang. The song playing calmed the girls nerves as she recognized that it was just Shoto's ringtone.

Spitting out the toothpaste, the girl hit accept.


"Hello (Y/n)? I was just wondering if you could pick me up?" The boy spoke quietly, almost ashamed of himself.

This was quite common for the boy to ask. His father often insisted on taking him everywhere, but (Y/n) would always step up to help, trying to keep the two away from each other as much as possible.

"Of course! I'll be there in 15."

"Thank you so much (N/n). See you then."

The call ended.

The pair had grown an unlikely bond, and they were practically inseparable. Both of their tranquil personalities matched with one another, and when they would hang out, it was calm and quiet.

But never uncomfortable.

The girl walked into the kitchen and a flash went off, momentarily blinding her. Her hands instantly flew up into a fighting position, ready to take on the threat.

When her eyes readjusted however, all she saw was her uncle with a camera. Small and silent tears were flowing from his eyes, his mouth curved into a sad smile.

"Look at you. You're all grown up." He started to wipe his tears from his eyes. "Your fathers would be so proud of you. And so am I."

The girl's heart sunk but still swelled with pride. All sorts of emotions flooded her, but she refused to cry for two main reasons:

1: She never enjoyed crying. It had always made her feel small and weak, like a helpless child.

2: It would ruin her meticulously applied eyeliner.

Instead the girl rushed forward and engulfed him in a hug, clutching onto him like a child would grasp her father's leg.

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure your pride is justified. You can count on me Tsunagu."

Brightest Star In The Sky (F!ReaderxBNHA)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon