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The balcony, witness to the highs and lows of her life, now stood as a silent confidante to the unraveling complexities that defined her relationships, her ambitions, and the painful dance with a man who had chosen a different path.

Coriolanus Snow stood at the imposing entrance of the Aveline Mansion, a heavy knot tightening in his chest.

The mansion, once a symbol of opulence and aspiration, now loomed over him like a reminder of the stark divisions between their worlds.

His internal turmoil mirrored the swirling winds that seemed to echo through the cold air.

He couldn't shake the weight of the choices he had made during the Games, choices that had set Seraphina adrift from him.

The distance between them, palpable and painful, was a testament to the consequences of his actions.

His once-ambitious dreams of being worthy of Seraphina, of restoring the Snow family to its former glory, had become tangled in a web of regret and longing.

As he approached the door, the grandeur of the mansion mocked his newfound vulnerability.

He had never felt worthy of Seraphina, not after the loss of his family's wealth and power.

The temptation of the Plinth Prize had fueled his ambition, a desperate attempt to reclaim what he believed he needed to win her heart.

Yet, in the process of striving for societal approval, he found himself ensnared by the enigmatic charm of Lucy Gray Baird.

The attraction, a forbidden flame flickering within him, had grown stronger with each passing day.

He had been in denial about the emotions he felt for a girl from the district, but the power he wielded as a mentor to Lucy Gray and the sense of control over both her and Seraphina's feelings became intoxicating.

Now, standing at the threshold of the Aveline Mansion, Coriolanus felt the weight of his own pathetic choices.

The punishment for his attempt to save Lucy Gray's life through manipulation had stripped away any illusions of grandeur.

The Plinth Prize, the symbol of his redemption, had become a haunting reminder of his own fallibility.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand to knock on the door, the sound echoing through the silence of the grand entrance.

The door opened, revealing one of the Avelines' staff.

"I'm here for Seraphina. Can I please go see her?" Coriolanus asked, his voice revealing an urgency that mirrored the frantic beating of his heart.

"Ms. Aveline is up in her room, Mr. Snow. However, she has not left her room since last night... she hasn't eaten her breakfast either," the staff member replied, her expression conveying a mix of concern and weariness.

Coriolanus wasted no time, darting through the mansion's corridors, his steps quick and purposeful.

The once-familiar surroundings now seemed like an obstacle course, each moment ticking away as he raced towards the source of his worry.

As he reached Seraphina's room, the sight that greeted him sent a shock through his system.

Pillows and duvets lay scattered on the floor, the room bearing the disarray of a tumultuous night. An empty bottle of alcohol stood as a silent witness to the battle Seraphina had fought within herself.

She sat by the balcony, looking out into the distance, a cigarette dangling from her lips.

"Since when did you smoke?" Coriolanus demanded, his worry giving way to a surge of frustration as he crossed towards her and snatched it out of her mouth, and threw it out.

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘, 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑, 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 || 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin