We drove to town from my house, I live quite far out of town there's only a few other houses in the area my mums job pays well so we have a nice farm house vibe with a little land around it, it's just been her and I living there since we moved from Ireland. The kiska's live even further out of town than me, they have a big beautiful house with loads of land and a lake close by to their property, they live with their mum Karen and dad Kelly.

Their family love all things nature, one with the earth kinda people and optimists, it's refreshing. Their family is so loving kinda like 70's hippy vibes. I've always felt close to the boys since I met them as I admire nature and all its beauty feeling at one when I'm out in the open next to all things natural but my outlook on life is of a lot more of a realistic or pessimistic view depending on how you see it.

We park up and all hop out of the van to go grab a coffee and we walk around the town centre for a while chatting and catching up after the Christmas break, the decorations are still up from Christmas. I've always loved Christmas time in Frankenmuth they really go all out and it really does make the holiday season.
Layla and Jake are walking hand in hand. I am walking between Danny and Sam with Josh on the other side of Danny.

The streets are busy with people getting their last bits and pieces for their New Year's parties. I love Breathing in the cold winter air sipping on a piping hot coffee, admiring all the twinkling lights as the sun is setting a beautiful dark orange covers the sky. It's 4pm and it is already getting dark.

Layla turns to me with suddenness and asks "what're you wearing tonight?!" I look over startled. "Im not sure actually I didn't think about it, I think I'll throw on some Levi's and a sweater, what're you wearing?"

"I don't know either should we take a look in the shops and look to see if we can find something for tonight?" I nod in agreement, we were only going to the kiska's for a small party we don't really need to dress up, but it'll be nice to look nice and to have a look around.

"Okay we are going to go to a few shops and look around we will be about 30 minutes max so we will meet you at the van?" Layla tells them all
They all groan in unison and we wave the boys on.

As we turn off a street to take a look in our favourite charity and vintage shops Layla turns to me with a big smile.

"So... Jade are you gonna get with anyone tonight at this party?" Layla laughs and pushes me, egging me on.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say no, I'm not really interested in anyone right now, you know me, just here for a good time" I felt a slight a twinge in my stomach when I said that, it wasn't technically a lie but I knew if I was hoping to get with someone it would come with consequences.

She rolls her eyes clearly fed up with my prude ways.

"Hmmm I want something nice to wear but warm enough that I won't freeze outside" briskly changing the subject.

Layla and I could not look any different she has long dark curly hair, she is small 5,1 with a petite figure.

I have reddish ginger hair tallish 5,7 and curvy. So safe to say we can't share clothes which is a shame as she always has the best clothes.

Our first place to look is a charity shop and we struck gold. I find a nice thick cropped cream cardigan with Navy trim and she finds a gorgeous checkered Jumper.

We buy them quickly and meet up with the boys again and drive off out of town.

We stop at my house and I pick up things for staying over at the Kiska's, I grab my fake ID as I am the only one with one. Layla brought her stuff over to my house and told her parents she was staying with me as her parents are still strict even though she's 18 so she came in with me to grab her stuff and quickly set off again.

We stop at an off license to grab supplies for tonight. Sam and I get out of the van to go in. Although he was the youngest brother he was a lot taller than the twins and looked older as well.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" I say looking up at him, whilst he lights a cigarette, he holds it out to me offering me a drag without a word, I lift it from between his fingers grazing my fingers against his. I usually only smoke when I'm drinking but whatever I take a drag and give it back. He nods his head, "It's been a while since we had a party in our house i'm looking forward to it' he pauses and begins to open his mouth to speak again. "So when are you coming over next to hang out with me? We haven't done that in a while" his face gave nothing away he was so nonchalant like almost uncaring but I know to ask me that, that he obviously does care.

I softly smiled looking down at the ground and looking up to speak again. "Well it'll have to be soon then if you've missed my company" He smiles from the corner of his mouth giving me the end of the cigarette, before walking into the liquor Store. I stand and take a few more drags before going in behind him. He was a man of very few words sometimes almost as if he is being careful with what he says at all times.

Sam and I are close, closer than the rest we hang just us sometimes. There's never been anything to it, we just find it easy to talk to one another when it's just us we sit up to all hours drinking, smoking, talking and listening to music. We occasionally play some instruments in the garage. He taught me to play piano, very basically but I get the jist.

We hadn't hung out like that in a few months not really sure of the reason why I suppose life just gets in the way sometimes of the casual things.

**Authors Note**
I just want to say, this is my first time writing and I am not from America so if some of my terms or sentences don't make sense I apologise.

The ages of the band members aren't going to be correct and their characters won't always be closely related to who they are in real life as I am just writing a story and decided to use them as my base point.

Thanks for reading xx

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