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Your mother was killed , do you want to know the truth?

After reading the note i immediately looked around to spot something unusual but there was nothing, everything seemed so normal.

I looked around to spot the kid who gave me the letter and then my gaze finally land on the kid who was playing with his other friends.

I ran to him and tap his shoulder, he looked up to me with his doe eyes, "Who gave you this? " I ask while raising the note in front of him. "I don't know , there was a hyung " Hyung? So it's some man.

"Is he around right now? " I ask the kid while kneeling down to his level. With his button shaped doe eyes he looked around the park and then faced me. " He isn't, he had mask and cap on so right now there's no one like him " I nod my head and was about to go but halt in my steps hearing his next words.

"He isn't bad guy noona, he gave all of us chocolate. " I turned to him and again kneeled down to his level and gave a soft smile,
" He turned out to be good person but in future be careful we should never take things from stranger. " He nods like obedient child and ruffling his hair I went back home with smile. It's been a while I actually smiled. Kids are my weakness.

On the way in cab I really wondered why just a note? No contact details I mean how would I even know about it? Or it's just some prank? Fuck!! It's frustrating.

Finally the driver pulled the car in front of my apartment and after paying the amount I walked inside the building.

I wonder if jennie is home?

I was about to enter the Passcode of the door but saw a box kept in front of the door. I looked around but there was no one. Picking up I went inside.

At first I thought it could be package for jennie but it has my mother's name on it? I swear to God if someone is playing a prank they'll actually know what can millionaire's daughter is capable of doing?

Taking deep breath I opened the package but got even more anxious seeing a mobile phone? Looks like burner phone.

Biting on my nails I just stared at the phone but why there's no note? It should be there!! What I'm supposed to do with this phone?

Releasing a sigh I finally decided to switch it on as there's nothing going to be happen by doing nothing. I need to find out the truth.

The moment I switched on the phone it started ringing and the phone nearly slipped from my hold, god my mind is so anxious that I'm getting startled by every small things.

The call ended and i breath out. It started ringing in next minute again and finally I build up some courage to pick it up. I need to find out the truth .

I picked up the call and waited for the response from the caller but i got only silence. Taking a deep breath I decide to take the initiative to start the conversation as the call is still on line which means the person wants to confirm if it's me on call.

"Hello" Finally I said almost in whisper though. " So do you really want to know about the killer? " I heard a male's voice but why does the voice sounds so familiar as if I've heard it before? "Y-yeah" I waited for his response, " I'll text you the address on this phone so come to this place if you want to find the truth. " How can I trust him? What if it's trap? What if they're actually killer of my mother? " Don't you dare pull any stunt while coming here cause we may be source of help for you but can be danger too. "

See they're not good people either but I badly want to know about the truth and now I'm willing to take the risk. "Okay I'll be there" The person hung up the call and i waited for the text.

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