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Hey cuties before starting the chapter here is a quick announcement about my new book which is a new year gift from my side.

Happy new year cuties~

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Character description and the disclaimer about the story is already updated.

If you find the sneek peaks frk. Story interesting then don't forget to add the story to your library to get notified about the updates '


Visit my profile and check out the book!!!

Please give support and love to it.

Also I want to ask your permission actually this story is based on my dream, and i could actually feel all the emotions so can i name the character as my name instead of YN? It's all your permission what I need :)

Jungkook came out of his car and walked inside the house but frowned when he saw no one, not even a single maid.
"No worker at president's house that's strange. "

But his eyes widened when he heard your yells and not thinking twice he rushed upstairs to the room.

You stood in your mother's room all numb, but then in next minute walked to her and put her down and shook her body "mom? " " Mom stop playing I know you're pranking me " " Mom it's enough now wake up" "MOM!! " You plead while hugging her body and tapping her cheek but not getting any response was just making you feel panicked.

"She's gone. " Jungkook whispers and you looked at him with glare, "what do you mean she's gone? " You yelled and clenching his jaw he held you tightly and shook your body. " I SAID SHE'S DEAD. " With that he received a slap but wasn't angry about but something raged him inside was seeing you so broken.

"Slap me all you want but that's the reality " You took a shaky breath as it was too much to digest. You just couldn't believe your mother took this step.
"I couldn't even see her for the last time. " You mumbled to yourself painfully but the man in front of you heard it and he knows how that feels.?

Jungkook took out his phone and dialled your brother's number which he picked up,
"What's wrong jk? " The sleepy man asks as it's rare when jungkook calls first. " You need to get home fast. " He says getting impatient seeing you just sitting on the ground without any movements staring at the floor.
" Your apartment wh-- "before he could even complete his words jungkook being short tempered cuts him off " Your mansion yoongi and come fast" Without giving any second for the response of yoongi he hung up the call.

*:..。o○Time Skip○o。..:*

Everyone gathered and can't believe what just happened? You weren't saying anything just sat at the corner with your eyes zoned out. Jungkook can't help bit look at you again and again.

IS IT TOO LATE? 2 | | JK FF | | KTH FFWhere stories live. Discover now