chapter one: the boy

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Jianna's at the table, typing away on her laptop. She's super comfy, with one leg under her, sipping on her coffee during breaks.

Just then, her older brother strolled into the kitchen. He swung open the fridge door searching for food to satisfy his hunger. Catching sight of his sister, he greeted her with a casual, "Morning, sis."

She looked at him and greeted him back with a, "Good morning" while still focused on her work.

"Hey, how's the job treating you?" her brother tossed out the question casually, knowing full well they're both swamped with work and hardly ever get to just chill anymore. Their parents are always jet-setting for work, home feels more like a pit stop than anything else, and they've got a nanny on speed dial. But every now and then, Jianna steps up to keep an eye on her little bro, just like old times.

She smiled gently, the sound mingling with the hum of the fridge. "Totally swamped with research and interviews. My planner's bursting at the seams! Pretty much busier this week" She said, watching her brother lean against the fridge, coffee in hand. He took a thoughtful sip, then shot her a playful look. "Fully booked, huh? Just make sure there's a spot in there for hanging out with your favorite brother, okay?"

Her chuckle was light, a brief escape from the rush of her day. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to save a spot just for you," she replied playfully. "How about you? how's it going with teaching the little ones?"

He pondered for a moment, a half-smile on his face. "You know, kids these days are quick. They're acing it, and I've got a PTA meeting lined up tomorrow. Plus, recording sessions all week. Looks like we're both in the same boat—super busy. Guess it's time to ring up Evan's nanny again."

She nodded in agreement, the weight of her schedule in her sigh. "Yeah, that's the best call. I'm swamped; no way I can fit babysitting into the mix."

Startled by the sudden thud of a baseball hitting the floor, they both jumped. Ethan quickly scooped it up, returning it to its rightful place with a practiced ease. "Alright, time for me to head out and tackle the day," he announced, offering Jianna a warm, encouraging smile. On his way out of the kitchen, his voice carried down the hallway, "Evan! Time to rise and shine, buddy! Let's get moving so we're not late for school!" As a primary school teacher, Ethan's routine included ferrying their youngest brother to school, their paths aligned in the early morning bustle. Evan, at just 10 years old, was still navigating the world of elementary school, a different one from where Ethan taught.

Silence hung in the air as Evan's name echoed off the kitchen walls, unanswered. Jianna joined in, amplifying the call, "Evan! Listen to your brother and get up!" Yet, the quiet remained unbroken.

Puzzlement creased their brows as they exchanged a glance, the lack of response was out of character for their little brother. Concern etched into Jianna's features as she voiced the worry they both felt, "Is he okay?" Ethan's expression hardened with determination, "Let's check on him." Together, they moved toward Evan's room. Creeping down the hallway, Jianna twisted the doorknob and peeked inside. There was Evan, totally fixated on something through the window.

"Evan!" she called out.  Evan finally tore his eyes away and looked at his older siblings. Jianna checked out what he was looking at, then squatted down to be on his level, giving him a gentle pat. Ethan just leaned against the door, listening in. "You're so quiet today, got us kinda worried. Is everything alright?" Jianna asked, her voice gentle but worried.

Evan's eyes lit up with excitement. "Jianna! There was this kid outside, just like me, waving and all. I think he's looking for a buddy to hang out with!" he gushed. Jianna glanced at Ethan, silently pleading for some brotherly wisdom. Ethan just gave a casual shrug, "Sounds like you might've found yourself a new friend out there, Evan." A thoughtful look crossed his face. "How about we meet the neighbors? Get you mingling with the local crew," he suggested, thinking it might be good for Evan to bond with kids in the neighborhood.

Jianna took a deep breath, her mind working to grasp Ethan's suggestion. She turned her attention to Evan, her eyes softening with a touch of concern. "Let's get some breakfast in you, and then it's off to school with Ethan. We don't want to be late," she encouraged warmly, offering him a reassuring smile.

Evan bobbed his head in agreement and scampered over to Ethan. "Let's go, little dude," Ethan said with a grin, playfully guiding his little brother with a hand on his back as they made their way to the kitchen together.

Jianna stood up smoothly and turned to the window. The wind came in, making the curtains flutter. She saw the boy Evan mentioned standing outside their house. He looked right at her and waved, like he wanted to say hi. Jianna smiled gently and waved back, friendly and calm.

But as she stood by the window, a chill running down her spine as she noticed the boy was weird. He kept staring up at her, like his gaze unblinking and intense. It felt creepy, like he was watching her every move. She tried to shake off the unease, telling herself it was just a curious glance, but the longer he looked, the more she felt like a specimen under a microscope. She drew the curtains closed, hoping to shake the eerie feeling.


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