" K-Kacchan.. what.. what's happening?!"

Katsuki looks just as shocked and upset. Once he sees those upset green eyes and the shock wears off his face turns deadly and two palms are heating up so fast they start to smoke.

" I dunno Deku but I'm going to take care of it."

Katsuki steps in front of the greenett plams raised and explosions popping to life. His eyes are narrowed voice loud and threatening.

"You bastards better back the fuck off before I blast you all to hell! Keep mouthing off with stupid questions that are none of your God damn business and I will take this whole sidewalk down! If you think I'm above beating the fuck out of a bunch of nosy extra reporters because I'm a Hero you're wrong! One more word, just one more shitty insensitive word to him and I will blast you into the next town over!", he rages with steam now rising off his shoulders.

Aizawa now steps up next to his student.

" I would advise you all to head Hero DynaMight's warning. You all need to leave the area immediately. Hero Deku is still healing and the last thing he needs is stress. Be on your way."

The group of reports take a step back seeing the anger on two very intimidating Hero's who have Izuku blocked from sight.

Katsuki suddenly feels a tug on the back of his t-shirt.

The blonde turns around quickly to meet teary eyes.

"Kacchan, please.. let's go. I don't want to be here."

Aizawa leans in to the blonde.

" Go now, I'll be sure these nuances stay back."

Katsuki doesn't need to be told twice as he moves quickly to get his boyfriend to the car.

Once they both are in and seated away from the prying eyes of reporters, the blonde looks over at a very pale, rattled-looking greenett.

" Fuck, Deku are you ok? I'm sorry about all that bullshit."

Izuku shifts his eyes to his boyfriend. Eyes that are tearful, stressed, defeated. Eyes still weak from trying to heal and the pain that comes from it. Eyes that have had enough.

"H-how.. how did they know Kacchan? I don't understand."

The blonde's jaw tenses, there's heat on his palms that threatens to melt the steering wheel he's holding.

" I don't know. I honestly have no fucking clue and I'm just as shocked as you are, but I'm gonna tell you one thing for sure. I am going to find out who's responsible for that shit show back there and there's going to be hell to pay for it when I do. First things first though, I need to get you home, you've had more than enough for today.", Katsuki tells him as he begins to head for Izuku's apartment.

The ride home is mostly silent other than the sniffles of tears that are coming from the passenger seat.

Katsuki looks over often to see Izuku with his temple resting on the window. The sight makes his heart hurt and even though he's holding onto a scarred hand it feels like Izuku is a million miles away from him right now and he hates it.

As soon as they get back to the building and inside the blonde goes to help Izuku to the couch but the greenett shakes his head.

" No Kacchan, I... I just want to go to bed."

Katsuki feels the knot in his stomach grow, afraid Izuku is falling back into the grips of a hopeless depression.

He does what's asked of him though making his boyfriend comfortable in bed then takes a seat next to him on the edge of the mattress

" You ok? I mean I know the answer already but I mean physically are you ok? I know today was a lot a week out of surgery."

Green eyes don't meet his just stare down at his blanket. Izuku shrugs.

" I guess. I'm pretty sore though and tired."

Katsuki nods.

" Yeah, I bet. It's almost time for your pain meds so I'll get them for you in a few minutes. How about all this other stuff Deku? The mental emotional side of this?"

He watches Izuku go quiet, not saying a word. Then he watches with an overwhelming ache against his ribs as a tear sides down a freckled cheek.

" I ... I know that before the surgery I said that I'd be ok if it didn't work, that I knew it might not and that I wouldn't be any worse off, and I mean I'm not worse off physically but.. but I wanted to so badly believe that it would work, that id be able to be myself fully and now I just feel so hopeless Kacchan, again but almost worse this time because I feel the the hope I was given was ripped away when it didn't work out like they thought. And then to hear all those reporters asking what this means for my career, its like I realized that might have been the last real hope for my career. "

Katsuki reache up and wipes a fallen tear feeling his own begging to fall.

" You're overwhelmed. And Deku there's nothing wrong with having hope that this was going to work, I felt the same way, but Izuku this is not the last hope, and I'm not positive that this isn't going to work. I've never lied to you, I'm not going to start now, I think this shit might still come through in the end, it's too early to tell Deku."

He watches the greenett quickly shale his head.

" I .. I don't believe that."

Katsuki sighs.

" But Deku..."

" Kacchan, I really don't want to talk about it anymore ok? I'm tired and my incision is hurting and I just want to sleep."

Normally Katsuki would push past this and make him listen but he knows when it's time to back down because Izuku has been through a lot today and it's showing.

" Yeah, alright. I'll get your meds but we aren't done with this conversation you know that right?"

Izuku only nods.

Once Katsuki closes the bedroom door and steps into the living room he wants to throw something, anything, he wants to launch an explosion and watch it burn to the ground. He hates the way he feels, hates the way Izuku feels and hates more than anything that right now he can't do a damn thing about either of those things.


Our tale continues! Stay tuned

Love ~ Wolf

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