chapter twenty one

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The next morning breaks through l yawn before getting out of bed and stretching. Today was a bright and sunny day so l had to be happy. I go downstairs and make some breakfast for myself after that l went to the bathroom and bathed after that nice cold soothing bath l went towards my closet and l opened it. l saw a lot of options. "Hmm." I hum to myself l think about what to wear and after fighting with my mind l picked out an outfit! I wore a white plaid skirt with a red shirt and white sneakers. I went back downstairs with my bag and made myself a sandwhich with lettuce mayo, ham, tomatoe slices and corn on the side l made it look pretty before l packed it away. I hear a bark l look down and it was max! He was wagging his tail and he spinned around and sat down with his tongue out. "Aww." I give him some ham for his amazing trick. He ran off with the ham l shrugged it off and l put my back pack on my back before heading for the door. I unlock and open it then close and lock it behind me. I start my journey to school which was quite the long way but l did not mind. After the long walk l got to school l was happy. I head to my locker and no one was there luckily because l was not in the mood to talk. I open my locker and get some books.

I hear the bell ring l sigh and head to my first class maths. Once l got to class l sat down and took down notes for the exam they were useless all the teacher said was memorize the work and remember it which was a waste of my time l could have used that time memorizing my history. Once maths was done we had a study period where we basically go into a room to study. Some people dont have his type of thing but l do and l adore it. I get out my big ass history book and study while some were just chatting and trying to be funny. Once that was done it was break time. My favourite thing about tests is that we go back home early! So yaay for me l guess. I sit down on my usual spot and l see mason. He sits next to me.

"Hey sorry about yesterday." He says awkwardly. "Its okay." I honestly didnt care about that situation. "Great anyways do you wanna you know come to place maybe we can study separately l just want a bit of company." I mean sure as long as l was studying. "Yeah sure."

"Great! Anyways l got to go see you after school."

"See ya." He leaves l continue to eat until the next period started and when it did l got off of my chair and went to it.


I sighed out of relief finally it was after school l got out of school and l suprisingly didnt see my mothers car. I guess she forgot about me and that was confirmed when an hour passed by mason was only getting out of school at two which was far away as it was 1 o clock. I sigh what was l going to do. Just as l was thinking of something to do l saw my girlfriends shalom and riley! I head up to them and they looked like they were casually talking. "Hey guys."

"Oh hi."

"Hey. You wanna come to a cafe with us?"

I mean l had nothing else so l accepted the offer. "Sure!"

"Great lets go." I nod and we all head to shaloms car. She starts to drive once we were all in and we soon got to the cafe. We get out of the car and head into the cafe. The cafe looked very cute with its pastel blue asthestic. We go towards a table and sit down. "Wow this is amazing." I say in awe. "I know right!" Shalom chipped in. A waiter comes by our table. "Hello welcome to our cafe what would you like order?"

"I would like a chocolate muffin." Shalom says with a smile. "Alright and you ma'am?" She points her pen towards riley. "Can l just have waffles with chocolate on top and a vanilla shake."

"Alright and you?"

"Uhh l will have a slice of apple pie."

"Okay l will bring your orders shortly." The waiter leaves our table. "So any updates in your guys life?" I ask. "Uhh well l found out two people like me." Shalom says smilling a bit. "Ooo spilll."

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