丅Hᗴ IᑎS丅Ꭵᑎᑕ丅

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Ann took a deep breath before falling through the hole, out of the vent. Y/n had one hand around the handle on the wall, and one outstretched over the fire.

With both of their arms outstretched, their hands made contact, and they gripped onto each other with as much strength as they could muster.

Y/n was pulled down by Ann as she dangled above the fire, but she didn't let go. Securing her arm tightly around the beam before hoisting Ann up slowly.

Once she was up, on the small stretch of secure floor, they both leaned back into the wall, panting.

"I fucking hate spades." Ann breathed out.

"Just be careful and slowly edge around to the door, okay?" Y/n looked down at the fire that had only grown since first bursting into the room. "Maybe not too slowly if you don't mind."

After almost falling for the fifth time, they got to the door. It was a heavy metal and seemed fire-resistant. Ann went to open it but quickly retracted her hand as she felt how hot it was.

"How the hell can we open this thing!" She shouted.

Y/n looked around for anything that could help them open it. Spotting a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall, she grabbed it, thinking back to the earlier encounter with the businessman.

"Ann, brace yourself," Y/n said, swinging the fire extinguisher against the door's lock. After a few forceful strikes, the lock gave way, clattering down the wall and into the fire, and they pushed the door open.

They were met with another case of stairs. Looking down, there was a pit of fire underneath them, and also behind them as it spread through the room they were previously in.

"No time for dawdling now. Let's go!" Ann panted as she ran up the stairs, y/n following quickly behind. As soon as they got to the top, they burst the door open, and the rooftop greeted them with a rush of cool air.

As they stepped onto the rooftop, Y/n noticed a control panel near the edge. Approaching it, she saw a large red button.

"Is this it?" Ann questioned as Y/n looked at her. It did feel kinda stupid.

"You think?" She looked at it with a small amount of sarcasm in her voice. "Well, go on, press it."

Ann nodded, pushing down on the button as the building felt like it began to shift.

A few seconds went by before the electronic voice declared, "Game complete. Congratulations, players."

Y/n's POV:

"Shouldn't I feel good about this?" I questioned Ann, it felt like I had won, but I had still lost in a way.

"Don't worry, nobody ever does." She sat, getting back her breath. I sat next to her regaining my own breath aswell.

As I caught my breath, I looked back at the door. "Where are the others?" I asked Anne, I felt like somehow I already knew the answer.

"Sorry." Was the simple reply from Ann, but that was all that was needed. I understood.

Ann looked at me and sighed. "Don't beat yourself up about it. there are more losers in this game than winners."

She sighed. "Some people think of this place as freedom. Others think it's more like a prison, some sort of messed up hell."

"Y/n," I blurted out as a response to Ann's sudden introduction much earlier. "I'm Y/n." I smiled, it felt weird, I hadn't introduced myself to someone in years, I hadn't even talked to someone new in years.

"Well, you're pretty talented for a kit, Y/n," Ann remarked. "What number was this?"

"Number?" I replied. "You mean the game? Um... Seven of spades, I think."

"Great, so another week on our visas," She stated nonchalantly as if it was common knowledge.

"Visas?" I questioned. "Like, passport-type visas?"

"No, no," she chuckled, removing her sunglasses, which she surprisingly still had and placing them in her pocket. "Visas are the number of days before we have to complete another game. Or we die."

"So... we can die outside of the games as well?" She nodded.

"Check out your phone. It should still have your ID on it." She leaned over.

I pulled out the phone from my back pocket. Honestly, I had forgotten about it up until now and was shocked it hadn't broken or fallen out.

I clicked it on, and it lit up with a home screen. There were two icons in the upper left corner, 'Game' and 'Visa'. Along the bottom, it also seemed to have some sort of news info button, a clock icon, a settings icon, and a camera.

"There, in the corner." She pointed to an icon that simply stated 'Visa'. I pressed it, and another screen lit up. 'Player 1000255, you now have 7 days on your visa.'

"Wow, I guess you got in the game just in time. Otherwise, you would've been killed. " She sighed.

"Killed. But I've only been here a day, I had no idea about any of this stuff. How is that even fair!"

"It isn't, none of it is. And it never will be! Deal with it kit." She seemed spiteful, and there was a moment of silence.

"So... the number of the game correlates to the number of days the visa extends by?" I tried not to pry as It seemed like I had made her mad.

"It also correlates to the difficulty of the game. Though that's subjective, I've been in fours and fives harder than this.

'Yea, that was because I saved your ass... twice! And you did nothing but stand there watching me. Weirdo.' I thought to myself but decided against voicing it.

"So... what does the suit mean? If the number has a meaning... so does the suit, right?"

She nodded. "The suit correlates to the-"

Just then, more rumbling sounds rang out from beneath them as the whole building started to tilt forward. It seemed to be collapsing under its own weight. With Y/n and Ann going down with it.

"Shit! Hold on!" She screamed.


1683 words.

𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 / 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐘 (Y/n X Chishiya)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon