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*Komaeda's POV*

I walk out of the bathroom in dry clothes, at least my underwear wasn't wet, I guess. The warmth of my green and red sweater is comforting after the cold wet clothes. Man, I really am unlucky, getting splashed by a truck? Dropping all my things and my roommate having to help pick them up? He must think I'm worthless.

Then something catches my attention, did he...did he move my stuff for me? That was very kind of him, to help trash like me, he must be some sort of angel. I look over to the other boy, Hajime, wasn't it? That seemed right. He was laying on the other bed, dozing. It wasn't that late, right? I checked a clock, only 6:35. He must have had a long day then. The Autumn glow filtered in through the windows giving everything a honeyed glow. The other boy was laying in one of the rays coming in through the windows, and he glowed.

But the sun must be in his eyes, huh? I should close the blinds a little. I walked over to the window and pulled the blinds down so that he could sleep a little better, it's the least I can do to repay his kindness from earlier. I walked back over to my bed and took the boxes clothes and collage packing list items. I didn't really have anything to do so I might as well unpack right?


*Hajime's POV*

I slowly open my eyes. Did I nod of for a second? Guess I must have, because the clock says 7. I sit up and notice the room is different, well half of it is. The half belonging to Nagito. The boxes are gone, and so is the white bed. Well, the bed is still there but the sheets are different, a light green replacing the previous color. There are two plushies on the bed, a black and white bear and a pink and white rabbit, they feel...wrong. There are a few chargers on the side table next to his bed, and a cheap looking lamp there is also a water bottle but it's badly dented. On the dresser is a photo of a big white dog, and a few plants which seem to being clinging to life by a thread.

"Did I wake you by being too noisy? I apologize." an easily recognizable voice says from somewhere to my right. Nagito.

"Huh, oh no you didn't wake me up. And your side of the room looks good. I didn't really bring any decor or things like that." I say a little nervously. I stand up and head to my own stash of bags and boxes. "Should start unpacking then huh?"

The room is quiet, the awkward kind of quiet that's almost better to let stay quiet. I start to unpack my clothes and put them in the dresser. Then he starts talking, "So, Hajime, what are you majoring in?" I turn to see him sitting on his bed, smiling softly.

"I'm majoring in law," I respond as a turn back to the task at hand, "What about you?"

"Criminal Justice, with a minor in criminology. Seems like we have similar interests." He says, I think he might be smiling.

"Yeah," I say absentmindedly, "what job were you hoping to get?"

"I've always wanted to be a detective, what about you? Lawyer?"

"That's right, how did you know?" I say, turning around a little.

"I might be a good detective, or it might have been a lucky guess." He says, with a shrug. We lapse into silence, and it's more comfortable this time. I finish putting my things away and stand up. 

"I'm going out to the store, do you want to come with?" I say as a search for my keys.

"I think I'll pass this time." Komaeda said, pulling out his computer.

"Alright, I'm heading out, should I get you anything?"

"Haha, don't worry about me, I'll get my groceries later" He turned his attention back to something on his screen.

I find my keys and say an over the shoulder goodbye before hurrying out the door. I turn around to lock the door behind me and when I turn around I bump into someone.



Thanks For Reading, Enjoy The Cliffhanger.

Felt like the description of the room was a little weird so here is what I had in mind when I was talking about the room

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Felt like the description of the room was a little weird so here is what I had in mind when I was talking about the room. Feel free to imagine it how you please, though.

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