"I'm just fine my sweet, just concerned. First strange scents than those horrid marks...I should be asking if you're alright, not the other way around." He said softly with a chuckle as he moved his hand that had been caressing your neck to rest on your other cheek which caused a a lump to form in your throat as the stress you had been carrying finally started revealing itself now that you were being treated so lovingly by the Mer in front of you.

"No, not really, but what choice do I have? If I don't keep going, I'll fall apart and then I can't help you and Moonie-" You started rambling only to be stopped by a gentle kiss to your forehead. When did he learn how to kiss?! You must've looked quite silly with your heated cheeks and awestruck gaze as Sun started to chuckle. You felt your face grow warmer with embarrassment and you tried to look away, but the grip he had on your face kept you from doing so.

"No need to hide from me, my sweet, your flustered expression is adorable." He cooed softly before placing another kiss on your cheek, flustering you even further. Seemingly pleased with your reactions he started peppering sweet, small kisses all over your face except for your lips. When did he learn to do this?! And that tone...You felt like you were going to combust! All of these kisses he was planting on your face mixed with that compliment was just too much for your poor brain!

"I-I, uh, w-when did you learn to talk like that? And kiss?! I don't remember teaching you that!" You stuttered out, getting more and more flustered as more and more kisses were placed on your face. He purred softly at this before placing a longer kiss on the tip of your nose before pulling away just enough so that you could see him properly.

"Hmm, well, the talking I just learned on my own, but these 'kisses'," He kissed you again on your forehead, chuckling as he heard you squeak before turning back to you. "That I learned through you kissing me when I was in heat."

"O-oh! Makes sense..." You said before trailing off with another yawn, causing Sun to smile down at you softly as he gently kissed your cheek again before suddenly picking you up. This earned a startled squeak from you as you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling more flustered as you realized how he was holding you...Bridal style. Oh geez. You quickly hid your heated face in his neck and felt his body vibrate as he laughed softly, endearingly as he placed another kiss on the top of your head.

"Oh, you are just too precious my sweet, sweet Sunshine! I wish we could play a bit more today, but I think that it's about time you get some rest, hmm? You look exhausted dear Sunshine." He said as he gently nuzzled against your cheek that was pressed against his, making you giggle before you yawned again.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." You said with a content sigh as he nodded before bringing you to your room. When you heard the creak of your door you finally took your face away from his neck and sighed fondly at the sight.

Your room was a mess of blankets and pillows, a nest created by Sun himself in response to his intense heat which was already cute on its own, but the cute nest was defeated by the adorable sleeper who was now resting in it. In the middle of the nest slept Moon, who was lying belly up with one arm draped over his middle and the other falling open on his side, the end of his tail, which was taking up most of the small room, curling up slightly and wagging just a bit as he dreamt. You giggled when you heard him start to purr in his sleep like a little kitten as he smiled and his hand that was draped over his middle started gently batting at nothing. Oh, he was just so cute! You cooed at the sleeping Mer softly and Sun chuckled before putting you back down on the ground, taking care to make sure he wasn't putting you on top of his brother's tail before letting you go.

"Alrighty then! Why don't you go and clean yourself up and get some rest? That way you can heal right up from those nasty bruises!-" Sun said with a smile as he gently nudged you towards the bathroom before suddenly perking up. "OH WAIT!! We have something for you Sunshine! Just wait right here, don't move!"

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now