New roommate

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A week later, Kaveh had all of his things moved in. I gave him the room that was already supposed to be his, I didn't need it anyways. This room has been almost empty because I simply didn't have a whole lot of stuff to put there. It took him a while to get used to it, I saw him taking pictures out of a box, he seemed sad. I assumed the ones in those pictures were his family, I do pity him, after hearing his whole story. I do not intent on showing him any of this pity, it will just make him feel worse about everything. I did however, hold back my blunt comments a little. He needs space to adjust and process everything... and I don't wish to repeat the past. I haven't had many issues with my Hanahaki anymore, it's still there, but I think that because Kaveh showed me he doesn't hate me, the severity might have lowered by a lot. I'm glad I wont have to hide it as much anymore, especially from Kaveh. He should never know about this, I'm willing to die with this secret no matter what. Except.. one time I caught Kaveh drinking again. I tried to tell him he shouldn't, with the way he does it it's extremely unhealthy both physically and mentally. Of course he refused to listen to me, I only grew more concerned so I attempted to take away his bottle. He was already pretty drunk at this point. "Hey, leave that alone! It's mine." he yelled. I just rolled my eyes at him. "You're too drunk, there's other ways to deal with emotions, like therapy for example." I spoke calmly as I tried to walk away with the almost empty bottle of wine. He tried to grab it out of my hands but I held it up, I know he could reach it, but he was too drunk to stand up that high without falling. "You're mean..." he mumbled after he almost fell on the floor, I had grabbed his wrist with my free hand to prevent him from getting any injuries. "Be careful, with the way you grabbed at it I could have dropped it. I don't feel like being covered in glass cuts, and neither should you." I said, slightly irritated because he was too drunk to even listen. "I may live with you but that doesn't mean you get to take away my alcohol." Kaveh seemed annoyed as well, dragging himself back up by his arm, while I was still holding it, but then almost falling over again. "I know that, but this is getting too much. Drink some water for archon's sake." I said before letting go of his wrist, with that he fell down again. After another failed attempt he just decided to sit down on the living room floor. I roll my eyes again. "Fine, suit yourself." I say before walking away to my own room. It was too late to deal with him, I just wanted some sleep. I put the bottle I was holding in a different cupboard from where it was before. He was too drunk to find it, I don't mind if he does later, but if that man drinks any more wine I'm worried he might suffer from permanent brain damage.

The next morning I find Kaveh on the floor, same spot where he sat down last night, except this time he wasn't really sitting, it looks like he passed out and fell with his head against the couch. I filled a glass of water and put it on the table next to him for when he wakes up. It will probably be a pretty bad hangover. I decided to go read a book in my own room, when I heard a thud coming from the other room. I walked over to find Kaveh awake, struggling to get up. He noticed me almost instantly, slightly startled because he did not expect me to be there. "What are you looking at." he said, his tone being snarky. I look at the now empty glass of water, looks like he needed it. "I heard a noise and thought you might have fallen over again, looks like I was right." I said in a neutral way. "What do you mean, 'again'!?" He almost yelled, making me want to put my headphones back on. "You were so drunk last night you couldn't even stand, I practically had to drag the bottle away from you." After saying that, Kaveh seemed to finally quiet down. "Ah.. so you saw that." I sighed before speaking again. "Don't worry, you didn't do anything weird... Just don't drink so much next time, it's a pain to watch." Kaveh seemed a little hurt by that comment but just nodded before finally standing up, I watched the headache kick in just by looking at his expression. "Ah, fuck." only one word and he decided to lay back down on the couch. "Have fun dealing with the consequences I suppose." I said, a slight smirk on my face. This was amusing to watch, as mean as that may sound. I brought him another glass of water before heading back to my book.

In the evening Kaveh was already back in his room working on a plate. I was finished reading and decided to check up on him, I open his door and stand by the doorframe. "Doing better?" I say, startling Kaveh. "Please knock next time, now there's a weird line all over my design! for archon's sake." He sounded just as snarky as this morning, but at least his headache seemed to be gone. "Seems like you're doing fine." I say before almost walking away, Kaveh interrupted me from doing so. "Don't ignore me." I turn back towards him, staring at the back of his head. "Yes, I'll knock next time." I say, sighing afterwards. "Good." Kaveh replies. During this entire conversation he doesn't lift his head up from his work a single time, I wondered if he was really that concentrated, or if he just didn't want to look me in the eyes. "Are you going to keep standing there? Let me work in peace please." Kaveh broke the silence. "Don't forget to eat." I say, before finally walking away. He seems so annoyed with me all the time, does he still hate me? I wish I could ask without sounding weird. Fuck, its getting harder to breathe again.. I feel a cough coming up and I run to the bathroom. I was hoping that it would leave me alone, especially with Kaveh now living here, but I guess not. I cough up flower petals again, but no blood this time. I suppose its not as bad, but still something I should be hiding. As the tightness in my chest slowly leaves, I walk back to my room. Kaveh was awaiting me in the living room. "Is everything alright? You were coughing really loud in there-" I cut him off, I just wanted to go to bed at this point. "I'm fine, nothing you should be worrying about." I said, leaving him standing there as I enter my room. If only I could tell him the truth...

Something you wish for - Kavetham / Haikaveh Hanahaki AUWhere stories live. Discover now