Slow Burn George Clarke

Start from the beginning

"Happy eighteenth!" George shouted as he entered Madison's room holding balloon's, Madison's sister standing behind him smirking. 

"What time is it?" She mumbled, one eye open, her alarm hadn't gone off for college yet. 

"7.30, am I officially the first person to wish you happy birthday?" George grinned.

"Yes you idiot, now can I wake up?"

"George is joining us for your birthday breakfast." Madison's sister Millie said in a slightly teasing tone. 

"I can't wait to give you your present," he winked at Madison and she was suddenly very aware that she was only in a vest top and underwear, although George couldn't see that due to her being under the covers. 

"I'll be down in a minute."


"If I was so special to you, you would have made an effort," Madison muttered to herself as she looked at the photos. She had dinner plans with friends that night but didn't really feel like going anymore. She picked herself up and went however but she didn't have the best time, she kept looking at the door hoping George would walk through but to no avail. 

Early Saturday morning and Madison groaned as she heard her doorbell ring, she ignored it hoping it was the wrong door or an amazon parcel or something but it relented. She picked up her phone from the bedside table and groaned when she saw it was 7.30 in the morning. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she said to herself as her bare feet padded along the wooden floor to the front door. She swung it open wide, annoyed at being disturbed this early in the morning and her jaw dropped to see her best friend on the other side holding the biggest bouquet of roses she had ever seen. 

"Happy belated birthday" George said as he offered the flowers to Madison. She blinked a few times surprised at the sight before her. She hadn't seen him in person for five months now and he looked good, really good. He was wearing his green Kickers jumper which he often wore, it was actually a gift from her to him a couple of Christmas's ago. She wasn't sure if it was just because she hadn't seen him in a very long time but he looked good, really good.

"What are you doing here?" Madison finally breathed out, a small smile then creeping up on her face.

"I've been a terrible friend and I'm here to make it up to you. That's if you want me here," George tailed off at the end and bit his lip.

"Of course I do! Come in," Madison stepped aside and allowed George to step in, she took the flowers in her hand and walked to the kitchen, she placed them on the counter and turned to look to George. They looked at each other a little awkwardly before he raised his arms out for a hug.

"Come here," he stated and Madison walked over to him and placed her arms around him taking in his scent. He squeezed her tightly placing his head on hers.

"I missed you so much," George whispered as the pair swayed back and forth a little. The embrace lasted for a minute or so, the two just soaking the other person in.

"I can't believe you're here."

"I had to, I've been such a bad friend lately I really needed to make it up to you. We have a show later today in Bristol and you can come as my guest if you don't have plans but I've freed up the whole morning and early afternoon until soundcheck about three o clock. We can go for breakfast, lunch, have a walk whatever you want."

"I feel like I haven't seen you in so long, I miss just talking to you," Madison admitted. George felt a massive pang of guilt as he took Madison's hand and led her to the sofa, placing an arm around her shoulders as they sat, talked about what was happening for them now and of course reminiscing about the past. 

They stayed there for a few hours until Madison announced she was hungry and the two went about finding some brunch as it was 11am. Madison got dressed in some leather look jeans and flowery vest top, she did her make up but there was no need to do blush as George's compliment on her appearance made her go bright red. 

They said absence made the heart grow fonder and that was especially true in this case. Madison kept finding herself looking at George, his intense blue eyes, the way his facial hair accentuated his jaw line. She couldn't stop thinking about him that way, while she would admit she used to have a crush on him when she was about thirteen she thought it was long behind her, until now. 

George paid for brunch despite Madison's protests as she had a couple of cocktails and George only had one but he was insistent. 

Madison watched the show from backstage, then come the moment she saw dreading. She needed to say goodbye to him all over again. 

"I am really proud of you, you know," Madison whispered as the pair prepared to hug goodbye. 

"Thank you." George whispered back, holding her tighter than he had ever held her before, afraid of letting her go. 

"Let's not leave it as long next time eh?" Madison suggested, her big green eyes looking hopefully into George's blue ones. 

"Absolutely, if I don't then I give you permission to trash me on social media," George's eyes flickered towards Madison's lips for a split second as he wondered what it might be like to kiss her. The moment went as Madison reluctantly pulled away. 

"Bye George," she said simply, half expecting to never see him again as she walked away from the venue and into her taxi. 

For the second time that day Madison found herself in bed being disturbed by her door. 

"For fucks sake," she muttered as she walked down and opened the door. She was ready to scream when she immidiately felt a pair of lips on hers but she relaxed when she smelt George's calming scent. 

"I should have done that fifteen years ago," George uttered when he finally pulled away before Madison crashed her lips onto his once more. 

"Best birthday ever," she giggled.

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