Bucky finished eating and just sat and watched you talk. These were some of his favourite times with you, listening to your stories and chatting about your days. 

It made him feel almost normal, well, he had other favourite times with you, but those were a little more adult related as he cleared his throat thinking about them. 

"Anyways, I'm glad you're back and you aren't injured. When is your next mission?" you asked, packing up the dishes on the table. 

"Not sure yet. We did everything we needed to do on this one, so I don't think for a while" Bucky thought about it. 

"So, you're staying for a bit then?" 

"Yup, you have me all to yourself for at least a week, maybe longer" Bucky walked over and wrapped his arms around you. 

"Good, I'm glad" you smiled. 

You finished the dishes and smiled at Bucky. He walked over to you and kissed you hard, which you returned. He walked you to your bedroom, and, well, he showed you just how much he missed you, three times to be exact.

You snuggled into Bucky's chest after your last round and breathed out a sigh of content. Bucky traced his hand up and down your arm, sending shivers and goosebumps all over. 

These were the times you loved with Bucky. Just the two of you, in the quiet darkness of a room, snuggled in close to each other. 

You had almost blurted out you loved him, but you didn't want to freak him out. 

Many times, he almost told you, but he would say "I care about you" or "I like you a lot". 

You knew he was trying to say he loved you, but you wanted him to say it to you first, to help him express himself a little better.

You spent the following day hanging out with Bucky. You went out for breakfast at your favourite diner and wandered the streets. You picked up a birthday present for your sister which was the following weekend and Bucky was going to meet your whole family for the first time. 

You were nervous not only for him to meet everyone, but for your family to accept him. You weren't sure how they were going to take the former assassin being a part of your life, so you were nervous about it. Your mom assured you the rest of the family would behave themselves, but you still had your doubts.

You ended up sitting on a park bench, relaxing in the sun while Bucky had his arm wrapped around you. You smiled at the ducks as they swam past you, pointing out how cute they were. 

"Not as cute as you" Bucky nudged your shoulder. 

You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness but secretly loved it. 

"Look, a chipmunk!" you pointed out a small chipmunk at the base of the tree. 

"I love chipmunks" you giggled as you watched it gather seeds from the ground. 

"You do?" 


"What else do you love?" asked Bucky. 

Your stomach dropped and your throat got dry. 

Do I tell him? No, best not to freak him out. 

"Oh, you know, things" you teased. 

Bucky rolled his eyes at you and smiled. 

Did he want me to say it first? 

You were a little confused, but you knew Bucky would never blurt something like that out. 

Would he? No, he was too private

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now