The Connection

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So today is the day that we just relax we got our money and that is all that matters so the girls and me just chill we got the boys and went outside man today was hot as hell we sat down and just talked and seance the boys are going to be leaving in a week we are going to treat them so bad then Keiliani said "ok first of all why the hell when me and Denise came back the boys looked a mess" Milly answered "no they were not" Keiliani said "oh really ok then why was David full of lipstick marks and had a bruised arm Harry was half naked with bruises all over his chest Ross had no shirt and had a red hand mark on his cheeks and Bradley looked like a bus hit him" Milly then said "ok when you guys left me and Adianis just left the guys tied up in the chairs so we didn't have to watch them then after a while David and me were talking and Adianis was just watching TV we said that we haven't kissed each other so we did and thats all im saying about that" i then paused her and said "that doesn't explain why the rest of the guys look like they were beat up" "wait im getting to that part so after i talked to David i told Adianis that im going to take a nap and then when i woke up i saw the guys on the floor with grouning in pain and i saw Adianis in the kitchen making a sandwich then you guys came" i ask "so Adianis you were the one wake who beat the living hell out of these guys" then all the boys screamed and said "SHE DID!" we look at Adianis she smiles and says "yeah it was me and i enjoyed every minutes of it" Harry then asked "can you please tell us why the hell did you beat us?" "well when Milly went to sleep i was minding my own business then i was getting bored so i went to the kitchen to something to eat when i looked at these guys and realised that we have been treating them to kind so i left the kitchen and grabbed my punching gloves and stood infront of them Ross asked what i was going to do i told them i was going to give them a massage so first i started with David i untied him and planned where my hitting spot was so i picked his arms i grabbed his hand and twisted it he screamed i started hitting him until i was satisfied then i left him in the floor next was Harry i decided well seance were in DR i will give him a Spanish punishment so i told him to take off his pants and shirt he did then i took a flip flop and started hitting him in the chest and alittle bit in the legs then i went to Ross i first punched him the chest then i gave him two good smack in the face and left him screaming finally I got to my good friend Bradley all I had that I couldn't do to him I build that up and I beat him with all the strength I had and when I finish I went to finish my sandwich" I was shock but at the same time not surprised but after that the girls and guys wanted to go to the pool we let them because of the beat down Adianis gave them but me and Ross stayed on the beach chairs. Ross then asked "so Denise we haven't properly got to know each other so séance we got to know something's  about each other on the flight to here I need to ask did you ever had a boyfriend?" I said "well only one he was a criminal just like us but he's in jail now" "wow what's his name?" I answered "it's Miguel Perez but what about you blondey had any girlfriends?" he said "no but I do have crushes on girls" "oh and who are some of these crushes?" he then said "well have many different crushes I can like any girl that looks cute and are nice or interesting" I then said "I said tell me who they are but ok so who is the last girl you had a crush on" he seemed hesitant but said "well I can say" I complained "but whyyyy" "no not saying so tell me what do you like in a guy" "well I want them to be sweet loving smart and cute" Ross then said "so your perfect guy is me" "hahaha in your dreams boy" "oh come on don't tell me you don't like something about me" I then said "well I do like your hair and smile also how sweet you are" Ross was about to say something until Harry and Milly told us that we were going to play truth or dare in the living room. Me and Ross got up went inside the rest of them were already in a circle we sat in the circle Keiliani started off "so David truth or dare" "truth" Keiliani then said "so what have you and Milly have done behind our backs" David and Milly started blushing "nothing just talk" I then said "yeah right I bet there not that much talking" Milly says "anyways Harry truth or dare" Harry says "dare" "ok I dare you to drink a mystery drink that Adianis and Denise will make" me and Adianis looked at each other with a smirk Harry yelled "hell no I don't trust these two" I said "oh well you still got to drink it" me and Adianis went to the kitchen and put nasty things in the blender and put it in a cup we brought it to Harry then sat back down Harry took a big gulp he then said " it taste like a garbage can and a fried cat" Ross the said "how do you know how a fried cat taste" "I don't is just it seems like it ok next person" Ross then said "Brad truth or dare" he said "dare" Ross "I dare you to kiss Adianis" Brad and Adianis yelled " OH HELL NO" then the door bell rang but told them to continue I went the door at the same time Brad and Adianis were about to kiss until I opened the door and said "wait how did you get here".

Kidnapped by GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora