The Cheshire Cat: Train Death

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Y/n-Welp, I got nothing to lose!

Virtual Voice-Game permission closed. Players: 3. Game: Train Death. Rules:
•Only one player is allowed to board each train. Each train consists of 4 carriages.
•One of the 4 rooms is filled with lethal poisonous gas. If entered without a canister of oxygen, it is GAME OVER
•Each player is given a gas mask and 2 cylinders of air and each cylinder provides 5 minutes worth of air
•Once a player enters a carriage, the door to the next carriage will not open for 5 minutes, meaning the player has to use up the canister no matter what. This essentially means each player will have to choose one carriage to enter without a mask, and hope that it isn't the carriage that contains the poison
•It's Game Clear if the player passes all 4 carriages


Livie-Wait...does that mean only one of us will survive?

Y/n-Well duh! Fucking dumb diva *whisper*

Livie-Sorry, did you say something?

Y/n-Huh? Oh no, nothing

Virtual Voice-Game Start. No time limit

Y/n-I'll go to the 2nd train, I don't care where you two are gonna go...

Livie-I'll go to the 1st one, since I'm the best and I'm gonna win anyways

Y/n-*scoff* Yeah, in your dreams... *mumbles*
Bruno-I guess I'll go to the 3rd one

In The Trains

Y/n-Alright, I'll put on the mask in the second carriage, since there's no sign of poison being in there...

Bruno-I'll put on the mask now, just to be safe...

Livie-I don't need to put a mask on for now...*all go through the second carriage and Livie dies from the poison*

Virtual Voice-1 player has been eliminated by the poison

Bruno-Well that was quick...*doors close for 5 minutes*

Y/n-I was right! So when the door opens I put the mask on!

Bruno-Finally, the doors opened! *changes his cylinder*

Y/n-*puts on her mask* Looks like this is the one with the poison...

Virtual Voice-No player was eliminated by the poison. Bruno can't wear his mask anymore

Bruno-Oh no...But the last one or the next one is the one with the poison... *doors open* Fuck

Y/n-There is no need for me to wear this but whatever...

Virtual Voice-1 player was eliminated by the poison

Fenia-*after 5 minutes she gets on the last carriage* Well that was unexpectedly easy...

Virtual Voice-Game Clear. Congratulations! Winner: Y/n

Y/n-Welp, hopefully the girls are alive...

At The Palace

IRIS-They really, really good...They won all of the games...Let's see if they win my game *evil laugh*

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