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IRIS-What a "lovely" surprise! Welcome to my world, Vænom! Everyone and everything here hates love, isn't that right Martin?

Martin- Y-Yes ma'am...


Luna- Y-Yes ma'am...

IRIS-Wonderful! THEN WHY DID YOU TWO KISS?! SEND THEM IN THE CELLS!! I'll think about what to do with them later...Now, wanna have some fun with some deadly games? Yes, no? I don't care! *laughs* I will avenge my siblings! BLACK MAMBA's and RED DRAGON's souls will rest in peace!

Y/n-They were your siblings?

IRIS-Yes...Until, you- Onto the deadly games! *chuckles* First of all, give the playing cards which you won in the games of my sister...


Kassia-What are you doing?! You're giving them to her just like that?!

Addilyn-Let her give them to her...She lost everything, and we know how that feels! It's the only thing she has left from her sister!

IRIS-The difficulty of the games are represented by the numbers on the Alice In Wonderland cards and the kind of game is represented by the characters. Alice: games of trust and betrayal, The White Rabbit: games of teamwork and a balance between the other suits, The Mad Hatter: physical games and The Cheshire Cat: intelligence games. Also, you can't participate together, you have to go alone on the games of your character! Good luck! And remember, NO FALLING IN LOVE!! Bring Luna and Martin to the center of NIMBUS and burn them alive!!

Addilyn-We have to go alone?!

Azzurra-And I thought this day couldn't get worse!! By the way this place looks amazing!!

Y/n-Yeah, but with too many dark secrets! Look at the statues around, they are real people and æ's, they have been stoned! And that place over there in the center of the world is burnt and overgrown! That's where they burn or let the ground suffocate them!

Addilyn-Woah, too dark...

Azzurra-But how could they stone them?

Y/n-Are you nuts? Didn't you see right on the top of IRIS's throne, Medusa's head?!


IRIS-Tick tock, the time is running as fast as the White Rabbit! *smiles*

Y/n-Let's go to our own games, only five each one of us, we can meet after we finish a game!

Kassia-Alright, game on!

And so they played their games. Only the ones with difficulty 5 were left. Each time they were one step closer into winning.

VÆNOM {𝕀𝕣𝕚𝕤}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora