The White Rabbit: Swinging Monkeys

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Kassia-I got this, I can do this! This is the last one that I'm competing alone! Let's go!

Virtual Voice-Game permission closed. Players: 28. Game: Swinging Monkey. Rules:
•Players are allowed to swing and jump onto other ropes
•Players are also allowed to kick other players off the ropes
•It is GAME OVER if a player gets kicked off their rope; they will be lasered immediately
•If The White Rabbit is eliminated, it is GAME CLEAR for all remaining players

Jessie-What?! I can't do this!! It will break my nails, plus I'm not a monkey!!

Kassia-*scoff* What a diva...

Virtual Voice-Game Start. Time Limit: 2 hours

Jessie-Oh wow and we have to hang frome ropes for fucking 2 hours?!

Kassia-Just hang onto a rope!!

Jessie- *gasps* How dare you speak to me like tha- *gets shot by a laser*

Virtual Voice-Player was too late to hang onto a rope

Kassia-Oh god...

Marcus-Hey they said we can push each other so...goodbye bitch! *pushes a girl off her rope* That's what you get for betraying my best friend and killing hi- *someone pushes him off his rope*

Sakura-There's just too much going on, so goodbye to you too!

Kassia-*notices a guy smirking* Wait...Could he be The White Rabbit?

Virtual Voice-1 hour and 20 minutes left

Guy-*smirks* It's easy being The White Rabbit, I'll win in no time! Nobody is ever gonna guess that I'm- that little girl looking at me? Hey, you!! What do you want?!

Kassia-Nothing special...White Rabbit...

Guy- W-What? I'm not the Mad Hatter! I bet you are- *all of the ropes start shaking*

Virtual Voice- 5 players were eliminated by the shaking ropes. 20 players remain

Sakura-We need to find who The White Rabbit is!!

Kassia-Oh, no shit Sherlock! Oh my god, I need to stop hanging out all the time with Y/n, she's affecting me with her sarcasm! Well, I know who it is- *someone pushes Sakura off her rope but falls too*

Joy-Perfect, more death, and none of them were The White Rabbit!

Kassia-He's the Mad Hatter, I know it!

Guy-You are next little girl, come here! *jumps on ropes and pushes the people that are on them* I'm gonna get you, there's no exit! *jumps to Kassia's rope but almost falls because she pushed him*

Guy-That was close little girl...But I'm still standing!

Kassia-Oh shit...

Joel-Um...Do you need help?

Kassia-What?! Noooo!! Just stand there and watch me get eliminated!! OF COURSE I NEED HELP!!

Newt-Alright, hang on!

After a while Newt, manages to push that guy off. Now it was the moment of truth. Was he really The White Rabbit?

Virtual Voice-Game Clear. Congratulations!

Joy-We won?! He really was The White Rabbit!!

Kassia-I told you so!


IRIS-Dang it!! Why do they keep winning?! I swear to god...

???-IRIS, I'm getting impatient!!

IRIS-They haven't finished they're games yet, boss! Just hang on a little longer!

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