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When I awoke, I checked the time on my phone which displayed it was 2pm. We were both obviously exhausted sleeping till this time with Lauryn still asleep cuddled into my side at this point. I decided to go down stairs to bring some food up for the both of us chucking on my arsenal hoody and a pair of shorts before leaving the room heading to our mini kitchen.

Beth- morning I mean afternoon
Molly- afternoon bethy
Beth- what time did you too get in?
Molly- I don't know probably around 11ish
Beth- not that late then
Molly- no not really

Beth was acting strange, she went silent and didn't really respond to me after that. I could hear mumbling from the sofa before Katie spoke up.

Katie- Beth just ask her the question it's normal
Beth- Katie I don't want to talk to my sister bout her sex life.

That's when it dawned on me: they all heard me and Lauryn last night. I stood there awkwardly knowing I couldn't avoid the questions that were going to be thrown at me my face partially blushed beacause of the understanding. I started making myself some coffee as I would need it to with stand the conversation now thinking of all the stuff I could get questioned about also understanding the fact that stupidly didn't cover my neck before coming down here.

I heard steps from behind me. I turned around and saw Lauryn. This could either mean it will go more smoothly or worse we would both have to experience the awkwardness together. I knew they would make a big deal out of it as they are our older sisters and we're gonna act like they don't do the same thing with their partners most nights.

Beth finally spoke up explaining about last night and wap hat she heard before Katie walked in and just said it how it was.

Katie- last night when you two came back we were all asleep trying to have a long nights rest as todays are day off but obviously you two didn't have the same idea and kept us up all night with the loudest sex I have ever heard. Also both of you nice necks.

I went red like fully red, I'm not normally one to get embarrassed but when you know the whole house heard you it's exceptable.

Katie- have you two got anything to tell us because that wasn't just casual was it?

Lauryn shook her head before indicating io me that I could tell them.

Molly- last night Lauryn and I didn't go to our mates we actually went out on a date together and at the end of that date we became official so yes Lauryn is my girlfriend.
Lauryn- but also we would like to keep it quiet so please don't go blabber you entire mouths to the rest of the team .
Caitlin- I knew you two would get together

Authors note

Hey everyone hope your enjoying I am having some writers block at the minute so if you do have any ideas please comment them or message them over.

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