That Night Chapter 1

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    It was sunset, the Straw hats were docked on the shore of a huge city. Famous for it's bright lights and festivals that happen every month. Everyone was in town except for the two dumb asses. Zoro and Sanji. 

    Zoro was asleep on the table of the kitchen in the thousand Sunny's, weird place to sleep but he didn't care. Sanji was cooking up a meal for dinner as well as making a delicious dessert only for his Nami-swan and Robin-chan. 

    On the deck the sound of people talking could start to be heard, everyone was back from their shopping spree or exploration. Luffy threw open the door to the kitchen, "I'm hungry!!!!" Luffy said as he ran over to the kitchen and quickly opened the fridge to look for a snack. "food is almost ready, get out!" Sanji yelled at he kicked Luffy out of the kitchen and into out the door. Sanji gets back to what he was doing, he turns to look at Zoro still asleep on the table.

     He walks over and yells in Zoro's face, "GET UP, stupid marimo. Get off the table you weirdo! Who even sleeps on the table?!" Sanji yells. Zoro sits up and yells back, "HEY! you didn't have to yell at me stupid swirly eyebrows! and I sleep where I want!". They both just stare at each other, mad and annoyed. "Fine, if you won't move then you wont get any booze tonight. But, if you do I'll get you more booze tonight" Sanji threatens. Zoro peaks an eye "What? wow you'd go that far... Fine. I'll move, not just because you told me to! stupid cook..." he moves off the table and onto the chair at the end of the table. "You suck." Zoro says glaring at the cook, "well, you suck dick"Sanji says confidently but later regretting it. They stand in silence for a bit and don't talk.

     Sanji starts cleaning the table with a cloth and starts putting all the bowls of the delicious sea king stew onto the table. Sanji calls everyone into he kitchen and the straw hats sit down at the table to eat. "Yummy!! food is ready yayy!!" Luffy says as he sits at his chair at the other end of Zoro. "Wow, I'm also surprised of how amazing your cooking is Sanji" Robin says as she takes her first bite of the stew. Sanji's eyes turn to hearts "Glad you love it Robin-chan! I love you too!" Delulu as ever he is. Zoro finished eating early so he could drink more booze. Everyone compliments the chef except for Zoro obviously, The straw hats finish and leave the room to get ready for bed. 

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