Chapter 1

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(first I would like to apologize. I think I'ma get a lot of hate but pls listen. I lost a lot of motivation for my glamrock Freddy x glamrock Bonnie book but. I want to make this book as a warm up. I really have good ideas for that and other books but I just really need a break. If you still hate me it's alright. I just wanted to make this note. As they say, let the show begin!)

The moon shined.
The clouds were fluffy.
The stars shimmered in the back.
His tail slowly dangles around the moon, its long 18 inch tail just moving.
He slowly sat there with a smile.
He loved the dark skies just as much as his friends.
Sometimes, he wished he could see more of the outside.
But can't, the humans out there will see us and might even try to use us!
We're so happy to have player with us, he's such a nice guy and loves everyone there!
He even brought us goodies and stuff outside these walls!
The moon slowly lowers down as its shine slowly fades.
He looked up slowly, he saw a bright shimmering orange light coming through the clouds.
Got up from the moon and wanted to see what it was.
He climbed up the clouds carefully so that he wouldn't trip.
He slowly notices an orange dog looking at him, the dog slowly took out his hand.
He hesitated for a second but he took out his hand.
Their hands slowly getting closer, just barely touching each other's fingers.
He felt a weird feeling inside, he felt weird but happy.
What was this?
What is this feeling...?
Is this wrong-
Wait, what time is it?

Catnap slowly opens his eyes, he faced towards the bottom of the bunk bed, huh, the person isn't there. He looked at the small drawer with the clock. Tick, tick, tick. ... "Oh. It's 9:49 Am." Catnap said as he sat on his bed. "I should probably get up before-" Catnap was cut off screaming like a cat when out of no where PickyPiggy yelled "BOO!" "PIGGY! you can't scare me like that! You know how much I yell when that happens." Piggy giggled as she got out of the top bunk bed, climbing down the wooden ladders "hehe, sorry. It's just so funny to see you scream. Heh, you kinda scream like a girl." Catnap rolled his eyes and got up as well, setting up his bed. He always sets up his bed before he does anything else. "Well, Catnap, Player will be making us breakfast in the kitchen. You don't want to miss out on some bacon and eggs! Player is a very good chef!" "Yea yea, I'm coming. You can go first, I'll chase ya there." Piggy smiled and nodded "alright! Just don't be late!" Piggy ran out the door exited, it was a new day! Catnap slowly patted his little teddy bear, "I'll see you later teddy." Catnap slowly put some cover on him like if he was tucking a child into sleep. Catnap glanced at the door. "Today is a new day. Today is a new day-"

Player turned the eggs left to right, up and down to get all that salt and spice on the egg. He already cooked so many eggs it will probably only fill up Huggy. He really is a big fella. He grabbed the spatula and flipped the eggs to a plate, Kissy is holding the plate as she has that same smile she always have "you know kissy, your a really good assistant." Player looked at Kissy and turned off the stove. Kissy placed the plate of eggs on the table "oh thank you player, you are a really good cook to! Oh, and I love your apra." Player looked at the apra and laughed "oh this? Yea, Mommy gave it to me at Christmas. Though nobody has actually kissed the cook.. which I don't blame you! You guys after all are huge toys and well. It's kinda weird for you know, a huge toy to kiss a human..?" Kissy put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow "really? My name has 'kiss' in it for a reason. Right?" Player hooked his hands around and made a 'eh..' face.

As soon as kissy was gonna serve the smiling critters some breakfast someone barged in, everyone yelped and looked at the door. Huggy was drooling and slightly growling, Kissy gave him a stare, "Huggy, you don't have to barge in. You could just ask for food politely. And stop drooling... Your gonna wet the floor-" Huggy immediately stopped drooling and looked at Kissy "oh right, sorry." Huggy giggled and as he was gonna grab a plate he noticed Players apra. "OOO your actually wearing that!" Player slowly looked at huggy sweating "um yea...?" Kissy looked back at Huggy "yea he got it in Christmas." Kissy said as she served some pancakes to hoppy hopscotch. Huggy looked at Player immediately, making Player get scared, he tried to step away slowly but was snatched by huggy, pulled into his arms and raised up, and gave him a big huge kiss on the lips. Player widen his eyes terrified and confused as hell. "You know you can grab some paper napkins and-" Kissy turned towards huggy, her jaw dropped as she blushed a deep red. She dropped the plate of pancakes on the floor and gave an angry but embarrassed face "HUGGY!" She snatches him away by his arms making player fall to the kitchen mat and dragged him to the corner of the room "Why did you kiss Player?!" Huggy gave Kissy a confused face like if he didn't do anything wrong, "but, but Kissy, baby, it said 'kiss the cook'-" "HUGGY!? when it says 'kiss the cook'. You have to be his lover, and if not. YOU CAN'T KISS HIM!" Huggy rolled his eyes and placed his head on her head "you know. It's not bad to like two people-" Kissy as she was about to say something stopped and looked at huggy with a straight face. "Wait wha-" Huggy holded her hand and brought her back, "I'm sorry player, I should of not kissed you..." Player was shocked, so shocked that he didn't say anything at all. He was leaning on the counter trying to hold balance. His face was pure red and he didn't have any words. Huggy gave a worried look "uh.. yea. This is bad-"

As huggy and Kissy were tryna apologize and comfort Player Catnap and Piggy walked in "Were here!" Piggy said but gets cut off when he saw Players face "Woah, what happened to him?" Kissy explained Piggy what happened. She was definitely not expecting that news but what's the guess. A yellow guy that for some reason came here, helped us, live with us, and now kisses one of the toys isn't that crazy. What is crazy is that Huggy already has a girlfriend. Unless... (3 party 👀)

Catnap didn't question it. He sat next to the others. Everyone stared at him and smiled "Catnap!". Catnap, like any other person would, or animal, slowly moved a bit, he was very uncomfortable. Especially with CraftyCorn. Crafty and Catnap, never really got along. They would always yell at eachother for stupid things. Even though Dogday tries to make them get along, its hard for them to even hug. Dogday, oh Dogday. He is such a nice friend, always sharing with others, helping others, hell. He even tucks us in once in a while. Piggy sat next to Catnap and looked at him "so~ you like that dog don't you~" Piggy said with a smirk on her face. He gave her a weirded face, "what, no. Why would I like this dog? Besides." Catnap said as he puffed up his cheeks and looked down "We wouldn't work at all. I'm the moon and he's the sun! Two opposite things!" Piggy patted his back "oh sure you do. You two are like cats and dogs-" catnap raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, "heh, oh right-"

Kissy looked at the door, nobody else came in, she expected at least Mommy or Boxy to walk in any minute but, nobody. Kissy grunted and got up from her chair. She walked up to Catnap with two plates of pancakes. "Hey catnap?" Kissy said as she smiled slightly, Catnap looked at Kissy "yes?" "Can you do me a favor, can you give these two to Mommy and Boxy?" Catnap grabbed the two plates with both hands and nodded "sure, I don't mind" kissy clapped both her hands together "great! Now carry on, they must be very hungry." Kissy said as she brought Catnap to the door. "Wonder why they didn't come." As catnap walked towards the door, he looked behind and saw Piggy waving bye, he waved back. "Oh I'll be back! Don't worry so much piggy!" Catnap opened the door and left leaving Piggy alone with the others.

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