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He's insane, no hero, who does that, did he even have love as a kid, what kind of person just EATS THEIR OWN BEST FRIEND like it's nothing, he's push his best friend to being Numb, Emotionless. As some would say He's worse then the man downstairs, Lucifer; Satan. There lies the body of a greenette in a pool of his blood but yet since this kid is QUIRKLESS, everyone turned a blind eye, pretended that this was Normal, that this kid didn't exist, that the boy who did this was normal.... oh he's far from normal. I mean not eating human food but the flesh and drinking the blood from his enemies, the ones who's made him mad, the ones who he felt threatened him in some way. KATSUKI BAKUGOU was No human, no animal, he's just a cruel heartless creature. Who in their right mind would Raise this MONSTER!?
Katsuki awoke again, in a sweat clutching his chest and breathing heavily. He stared at his middle school uniform while lost in thought about the nightmare he just dreamed about, this was no dream its like some sort of endless nightmare. Izuku Midoriya dead because of him, Inko Midoriya went missing only to end up as a wanted criminal, Mitsuki Bakugou turned to suicide to escape her only son and Masaru Bakugou became abusive towards his son; Hating Katsuki for turning out like this, for making his beloved wife turn to Suicide to escape life, for taking one of the sweetest families he's ever known and making them hell. It's like the world worshiped him, his quirk, his presence, his name. Oh how he loved that. Katsuki started laughing, He would make that a reality staring with the numbskulls, his lackeys. Nobody would suspect him and he knew just what to do.

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