The Poe Cup

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Emma's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off. I reach for my phone to realize there's weight on me. I look down and see Jenna cuddled up to me. How did this happen? I shut off the alarm, it's 5 am. I lay here for a few seconds to take this in. I think I have feelings fo her. I just don't want to ruin our friendship so I won't say anything.

"Jenna it's time to get up." I say, gently shaking her.

"Noooo, I wanna stay like this." Jenna answers groggily.

"Jennaaaaaa wake upppppp" I say

Jenna bolts up.

"Did we cuddle all night???" Jenna questioned

"Uh I have no idea, I woke up with you in my arms." I responded

I notice that Jenna is a bit red in the face. Is that a sign that she likes me?

"We should probably get ready for work." Jenna says.

"It's the Poe Cup episode, we get ready on set today" I say with a laugh

"Oh yeahhh, sorry I'm still tired." Jenna says.

"Let's grab some breakfast on our way to set!" I say excitedly

"Sounds good, lets go!" Jenna says.

We walk to a cute breakfast diner that's on our way to set. It's literally adorable. We're still in our pajamas so that really completes the vibe. We approach the hostess stand and get seated right away.

"I hope the makeup crew can cover my bruise well, I'm worried about that." Jenna says.

"I have full confidence that they can." I respond.

"I just don't want anyone asking questions. If anything I'll just say I ran into a door, they'll buy that." Jenna says with a giggle.

"Oh so you don't want people to know you're my knight in shining armor?" I say teasingly

"Shush it Myers" Jenna says with a laugh

We ordered our food and continued to talk. Jenna pulls out her phone and we take a selfie. She posted the picture with the caption "Breakfast with the one and only <3" Only if she knew what that did to me. I paid for our meal and we make our way to set. It's only 5:45 so we're making good time since we don't have to be there until 6. Set is only a 5 minute walk from the diner.

We walk through the door to get onto set and we rush straight into our trailer so no one sees the bruise on Jenna's face. I got ready in the school uniform and Jenna did the same while we waited for the makeup team to arrive. I decided to pull out my phone and snap a selfie with her. My head is covering up the bruise in the picture so no one will see it. I captioned the picture with "Wednesday and Enid ready for the day <3"

Jenna's POV

The makeup team covered my bruise without asking any questions, thankfully. Emma and I walked over to Tim to let him know we were ready. I just can't stop thinking about how I woke up in Emma's arms this morning. I felt safe for once in my life. I don't think Emma minded, she's not acting differently. I wonder if she likes me too? I get pulled out of my thoughts when Emma grabbed my arm in excitement.

"What's going on?" I said confused.

"Did you not hear what Tim just said???" Emma asked.

"No I was spaced out for a minute." I say.

" Tim managed to land us some interviews to create some hype for the show but the best part is that the interviews we are doing, we're doing them together. Just us!" Emma says with excitement.

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