What the alternative subculture is NOT.

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I'm genuinely tired of seeing people get being an alternative person and being an Egirl/boy mixed up, so that's why i'm making it. Honestly it's 2024 and people still can't tell the difference, especially ya'll middle schoolers.

Being alternative means that your choice of style, music, lifestyle, etc, isn't mainstream, at least that's what it is to me. (hence why it's called 'alternative') When saying this though, this does NOT mean that being an alternative person is to look like Belle Delphine or Pokimane but darker, in other words... an E-girl. E-girls are people that, by the looks of it, have dyed hair, wear an ass cheek ton of makeup, and could be seen as a real life anime girl (in my opinion) Now that's probably not what they actually are, but they aren't the main topic of my rant, so I really don't care. The problem with the term 'E-girl' is the fact that the 'E' means emo, and as an emo person I can confirm i'm not an E-girl or E-boy. E-girls are purely based on fashion, and the emo subculture is based on (emo)tions, music, and the fashion. Most people usually go for being emo anyway, since emo people are by far the most shitted on alternative culture, like bffr, no one that's not educated on other alts (like goth and scene) looks at a group of... let's say goth people, and say "Hey! Look at those goths!" No! They call them emos and bark at them because they don't know the difference. Anyways back on topic. E-girls/boys are not alternative people, they're tiktok alts, not actual ones, get that in your head.

This is more focused on goths in particular because ya'll get so misrepresented so much that it's not even funny anymore. Not all goth girls, and I repeat... Not ALL goth girls, have huge boobs, big asses, and have daddy issues. GASP! I know, shocking ain't it? Well it shouldn't be, and i'm gonna be serious, I have no clue about where that stereotype came from, that shit just popped up and started ruining the meaning of being goth. Goth people aren't kinky, big tittied, big dicked, depressed little sex dolls for your enjoyment, they are people that enjoy goth music and sometimes partake in actually wearing gothic clothing. Being goth doesn't mean dressing goth, there's no such thing as that, you can dress 'gothic', not goth. The things that can qualify you for being goth is literally liking the music, and appreciating the media that isn't goth music, like the books and architecture, and the fashion part is just an extension of the subculture. You can dress gothic, just don't call yourself a goth if you don't listen to the music, simple. (also I got most of my information from Drama Kween about this part, go sub to her)

Not all alts have mental illness. This is just stupid to say, like just because someone chooses to wear an MCR shirt and black skinny jeans makes them suicidal and bipolar? Come on, get real. Some of them do, trust me, I know. I feel like the reason people think this is because they just have a hatred for alts, and for what? You think it's weird?? How is it hurting you though...? Anyway, with the alternative community being so huge, there's bound to be mentally ill people, like in any crowd. Let's take the swifty community for example, it's huge, therefore there's at least 1000 people in that space with some sort of mental illness. This one is pretty short because it's a simple concept to grab, and if you just stop being so sheepish and understand that, thank you.

A correct definition of "alternative"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz