Preference [2]

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Does he get jealous and overprotective?


With certain people he can be jealous and overprotective. With people he's close with like Newt, Minho, Chuck, Alby, and Fry he doesn't care. People like Gally, he hated when he went near you. It's not that he didn't trust you, he didn't trust them. He gets jealous when Gally comes up to talk to you. He sees the way he looks and you and it's made him so angry sometimes. When this happens he'll come up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist and turn you to face him. Without a second thought he brings his lips to yours passionately. Then he'll pull away giving you the hottest smirk and a wink. Before he walks away he winks at Gally and kisses your cheek.
"Come find me once you're done, baby."


Yes. Without a doubt he is jealous and overprotective. He is fine when you're around the people he trusts. However, if someone gets within 10 feet of you that he doesn't like he flips. He'll watch from afar, giving the guy flirting or talking to you the death glare. If they don't notice he's there or don't pick up that he's staring at them he'll call you over to him, "come here princess." Usually by then they will back off, but there have been instances where they don't. That's when Minho will confront them directly. He got put into the slammer for a week for punching some kid named Zach. In Minho's defense Zach shoved him first.


Newt really isn't that jealous or overprotective. He knows you can fend for yourself and that you are a strong independent person. There have been a couple times where he's gotten jealous of a few kids that wouldn't leave you alone. But he knew you would never leave him, so he really was never to worried about it.

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