where am i

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grandma !!!!!!! y/n cried

"what is it" said with a concerned tone "did you know where my eye glass is " you answered

"maybe its in the the counter dear "you hurriedly go to the counter and grabbed it "thanks grandma" you said " "oh and there are some cookies if you want " your grandma said while watching the tv you quickly grabbed some of her cookies and turned on you laptop

"yes it's starting "y/n said

"another episode of BoBoiBoy galaxy " your really obsessed with that show and would watch all night just seeing BoBoiBoy would melt your heart his Rosey cheek's his cute smile you instantly fell for him some times you wished he was real, after the show was over you turned off the TV and headed to sleep .

(Ring, Ring , Ring)

Your alarm wakes you up
" It's time to go to school y/n "you slapped your face to wake your self up and took your eyeglasses you headed downstairs to see your grandma cooking you went and sat down and she handed you a (your fave food in the morning).

"eat up you need energy to go to school " your grandma said , you eat your food with her after eating you went to the bathroom to take a shower

After taking a shower you dressed you self up

After taking a shower you dressed you self up

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( This is what your uniform looks like)

You grabbed your stuff and said good bye to your grandma "good by grandma" you said

"see you dear " said your grandma said with a cheerful tone ,as you were headed to school your expression turned from happy to sad you don't like school because you think it's hell your always the target of bullies from your school and they always make fun of your eyeglasses because it's thick

After walking for a while you arrived at your school you posed for awhile and decided to go in you think of what your grandma always said to you

(listen y/n don't think what others think of you just ignore them and take a step forward )

You got to your classroom just in time to start the class you headed to your seat while the teacher was teaching ,some paper landed in your head you look at your back to see your classmate throwing things at you

"hey nerd "

said the boy who's behind you

"shut up "

the boy shoot death glares at you but you just shrug it off after class was over you headed into the janitors locker and decided to eat there since you were target of bullies you always hide after the last class was over you headed to you locker

While putting your thing in your locker before going home someone slapped you it was none other than Elijah

she was the schools queen bee and not to mention she was the principals daughter it would be hell if you'd be on her bad side

"hey nerd you have the guts to say that to my honeybunch" she said with an anger tone

"to who"

"the boy at your back who are you to say that to him "

you realize what she was talking about

"I'm sorry I didn't know"

"well you should know and remember I'll make your life hell if you said that to him again remember this as a warning " while shooting death glare at me

realizing what happened you wanted to fight back but fighting her will be suicide you think of your grandma and didn't want her to have more problems because you she sacrifice everything just to be enrolled In this school

"sigh....I'll just avoid them "

you headed to your house And the sun was shining bright you like to sing but you always did in secret you singed all the way to your house

You look at your house and think it was weird because there aren't any lights you unlocked the door and saw your grandma on the floor


you quickly helped her and rushed her to the hospital

"Doc what happened to my grandma"

you said with a concerned tone

"I'm sorry miss but she ,,,"

the doctor was sad but he spoke up

"your grandma died she died In a sickness we did everything we can but it was too late "

You have a break down and your knees grow weak you cried and cried until your vision went black

You suddenly wake up in an unfamiliar room and suddenly hear a voice

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