1. Spinout.

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"This season is looking good for McQueen--" the announcer spoke, watching as the parade of a dozen cars race for first place on the track.

A red car with a large logo on the front and a lightning bolt on the side flashed past the camera, followed by a group of the other eleven racers.

The red race car, accented by yellow highlights, was in the lead by at least a second. A green car was in second place, fighting the third and fourth place drivers.

"He has been on the podium all season, and there's no doubt this year he won't win his eighth Piston Cup." The announcer continued.

"But Chick Hicks has been hot on his tracks recently--" The camera focused on the green car right behind number 95, gently swerving to try and throw off the other drivers.

"He might just steal the Piston Cup from McQueen if he doesn't watch his back.." He foreshadowed.

I scoffed. "He's got something coming if his biggest problem is Chick Hicks." I was in the midst of the group of drivers, ranging from second place to eighth place.

I was a blur of hot pink in a sea of blues, yellows, and whites.

"Based off your driving this season, his team will be just as surprised as his fans." My crew chief spoke back on the radio.

"I can't wait to see his face when I win this race." I smiled, spotting an opening to the front of the group and taking it instantly.

So much that I can't want until the end of the race. Now, in third place, I drove a mere inch away from Chick Hick's car as I passed him with ease. I could see his surprise through my rearview mirror when I passed him as he began to fade into the group of other drivers.

In a matter of seconds, I was riding alongside McQueen. My radio went quiet, and I smiled under my helmet.

With the corner of my eye, I looked over to his car and took a hand off my wheel, waving at him during a turn.

I could imagine his panicked voice over the radio as his team scrambled to see who I was.

It felt like I drove beside him for hours, but it was mere seconds before I fell back into the group again.

I giggled and did a little hip-dance as my interior camera was projected onto the big screen of the stadium. I blew a kiss to the camera, and my team started yelling gibberish on the radio

"I told ya I couldn't wait." Smiling, I listened to everyone talk over each other.

My crew chief calmed them all down eventually. "Y/n, you need to focus on driving instead of getting screen time. Messing with the system doesn't win Playoffs; focusing does."

I hummed. "I know, I just couldn't resist."

"Don't do it again." He huffed, watching the drivers file into the pit.

I didn't reply and instead got ready to head into the pit as well. While my tires were getting changed, I asked; "How many laps?"

"Two dozen." A reply was yelled, but everything else was so loud it was as quiet as a whisper.

Racing back onto the track, I needed to think about my next move to get on the podium.

After a lap, an idea came to mind. Why don't I screw with McQueen again?

So, I did. Racing back up to his inner side, I got close to the side of his car.

The hot pink of my car wrap nearly hid his red color, making his car look just a darker form of pink because of the reflection and lighting.

He tried to speed up a bit, but I overtook him, and he overtook me again. We fought for first place for a few laps, and my radio stayed silent.

Taking a deep breath, I let him overtake me by a few feet, so my front bumper was lined with his back wheel. He tried to shake me off, but I kept close to his side for the next few laps.

Right on the 12th lap mark, I tapped his wheel until he started to spin out. I backed up until he was out of the way, then broke from the group and sped forward, leading the group by half a second.

"My apologies, McQueen, but a rookies' gotta do anything to win." Sighing, I kept checking my back mirror for him to get back up to the group.

It took him until the last lap to get back behind me, and I won the race with him in second.

I smiled under my helmet again, slowing down to pace until I reached the burnout area. Spinning a few times and throwing up dust and smoke, my pink car was engulfed in the smokey gray, and the crowd went wild.

The announcer was ecstatic at my win, beginning to put down McQueen. "A rookie we have barely seen before! She has been riding the last place ribbon for many of the races and easily overtook THE Lightning McQueen-- has she been hiding this talent, or using a cheat?"

Once I stopped my car, I unbuckled the seat belt and neck belt, opening the window net and climbing to the roof of the car, where I extended my arms up and screamed in celebration towards the crowd.

Taking my helmet off, I faced the nearest camera and blew a kiss, making the lineout of a heart with my hands.

My sparkly pink suit with white side stripes accented the curves of my body, squeezing my frame.

Looking around for the red car that I ran off the track, I spotted the driver staring at me, and I smiled and waved.

"I love you too, McQueen." I mouthed to the one Nascar driver I aspired to be since the beginning of time.

He clearly looked mad with his arms crossed, and I was fully expecting to be punched later that night.

Once the adrenaline calmed down and the cameras turned away from my victory, I hopped off the roof of the race car and jogged over to my team that was already running over to celebrate with me.

Highfiving the pit crew, quite a few slaps on the back were dealt to me, but there were more high fives.

With my helmet in one hand, I was escorted to my sponsors' tent, where I passed my crew chief the helmet and talked to the sponsors. Within minutes, I was asked to head to the stage for my prize and to talk with the cameraman.


Hey loves, I've read many fanfics with a character and the reader, and I noticed most people don't like how the Y/n looks based on the narrators description.

So, why don't I have the readers vote?

Sure, since this is the first chapter, no one will really reply. But I'm trusting the first few readers to completely make the Y/n of this story!

Some things to note; she's a female, a racer (so she's kinda fit), and she fits sparkly hot pink and coquette pink very well. :) Also, in my notes, I have her as cocky but respecting towards seasoned players.

Just comment your ideas, and the features (physical appearance and personality) you all agree on will be her official look!

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