2. A Strong Start.

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I walked over, nodding a greeting to the other seasoned racers. Once I reached the stage, two cameras focused on me, and I gratefully accepted the flower bouquet and trophy I was handed.

A guy walked over to me with a microphone and began talking. "Y/n! It was quite a surprise to see you win this playoff after riding the last accepted place for so long. What happened to make you get first place?"

He held the microphone up to my chin. "Ah, well since the beginning of the season, I had planned to place very low in each race so when I get on the podium for the playoffs, the man in red would wear that exact face."

Looking over to where Lightning McQueen stood, I smiled at him with a cocky, ear-to-ear grin.

He sarcastically smiled back while the camera panned to him. His short, wavy blonde hair with brown roots was wet from sweat under his helmet and awkward from being fluffed out after staying flat for so long.

The lightning bolt necklace was positioned perfectly in the sun to flash my eye when he would adjust which leg he leaned on, which thankfully wasn't often.

"Well, congratulations on winning this race, Y/n. McQueen won't let you have the other wins as easily as you did this one, beware." He spoke, looking at the trophy on the table between us. "Are you ready for the picture?" He asked with the microphone away from his mouth.

I nodded and wrapped my hand around one of the pillars under the car sculpture.

Looking at the camera, I smiled and posed with the guy in the blue suit.

Half an hour after the pictures, I was relaxing in the sponsor tent, talking to fans and other teams.

With his fists clenched at his sides, I could see in the corner of my eye a tall blonde in red approaching quickly.

Interrupting the conversation I was in, I stared at him and gulped, handing off my water and taking slow steps back.

Once he stopped two feet in front of me, I flinched and prepared for a punch as he quickly extended an arm.

When I didn't feel the contact, I opened my eyes to see him holding his hand out for a handshake. Hesitantly, I shook his hand and made eye contact with the large Rust-eze logo on his jacket.

"Nice job with the spinout, Rookie." McQueen smiled.

I hummed. "Thank you, Lightning. Maybe don't approach the next person you compliment as if you're gonna punch them, though..." Nervously laughing, I took my bottle of water back, and the other team said their goodbyes.

"Ah, sorry.. I didn't mean to look so angry- but please, call me Montgomery. Lightning McQueen is just for on the track." He nodded, his eyes wandering around my face.

I raised an eyebrow. "Mountgomery? What bet did your parents lose.." I laughed under my breath, a little nervous after I said it out loud.

He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny."

Once I calmed down from laughing, I let my eyes wander around his face and body, getting to know his physical features.

Montgomery was a lean yet fit man, who's uniform also hugged his body. His skin was a beautiful, toned peach, and blonde arm hair peeked from his jacket sleeves.

He had a small lightning bolt tattoo under one ear, followed by three words in sloppy cursive. On the other ear was a piercing, but no earring.

His eyelashes were a transparent blonde, yet still shined in the dim ceiling light. He had dirty blonde eyebrows with an innocent slit in one.

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