3. Will it Work Out?

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The next morning, I was woken up by my 8am alarm. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my face, grabbing my phone to check my notifications and the weather.

No important messages, and it would be a high of 28° Fahrenheit. So I started getting ready for the day.

Putting on a loose plaid crop-top that was tied in the front middle and light blue jeans, I brushed my hair and left it down, the tips reaching my armpit.

Putting on my makeup and positioning my favorite sunglasses on my head, I heard a knock at the door.

I was sure it was Trenton, because he was the only person I knew that did a two-knock.

Opening the door, of course I was greeted by my underdressed, moody brother that didn't even make eye contact with me before he walked in.

Grumbling, he stood in the middle of my living room with his shoes on and looked around. "Got any food?" He asked.

I sighed and closed the door. "Hello to you too. My morning was great, thanks for asking!" Pausing, I added, "Get your shoes off my carpet and I'm sure there's stuff that can be warmed up in the fridge.

He listened, and warmed up some meat leftovers before sitting at my dining table and scrolling through social media.

Not long after, another knock introduced my two sisters slowly opening the door and peaking in.

"Come on in! Nothing to hiss at ya here." I welcomed them, noticing the absence of my outdoor cats who usually stuck around for visitors after breakfast. Except; it was different in a hotel room. They probably were napping in the farthest room from the front door; the sunroof.

"That's good.. I see Trent is already here.. eating away." Chelsea blantly said.

It took a moment for him to look up and reply. "What?"

I rolled my eyes and the three of us sisters gave eachother a knowingly look.

The first hour was chill, until Chelsea discovered my wine cabinet and asked if she could have a drink. Of course I said yes, then Trenton wanted one and eventually Emily was asking for a sip.

We all played an adult board game and laughed as we enjoyed eachothers company.

Hours of fun passed and eventually it was getting dark out. My two cats, Puma and Lion, walked into the room from their sunroom and nearly plowed eachother over as they ran to the new people.

The tomcats purred and my siblings happily gave them attention.

"So, Trenton. How's the season going?" I asked, finally able to get him to talk now that his phone wasn't in his face.

"Its.. fine. You're a little stupid, y'know." He mumbled, pulling out his phone again.

"How come?" I pushed.

"Because you got Redbull, one of the most popular sponsors, to sponsor you and thought nobody would notice?" Sighing, he leaned back as he sat on the carpet, his hand propping his body up from behind.

My other two sisters were still busy loving on the cats.

"Listen, it was and still is a good idea. I don't care if the other drivers have noticed my races before I started winning, but all that matters is McQueen's face when he watches me win the Piston Cup." Annoyed, I kept my voice free from emotion so he couldn't tell I was mad at the point he made.

"If that's what you want, cool. But it isn't gonna keep you winning for seasons to come." Standing up, Trenton walked over to the corner of my sofa and laid down, scrolling through his phone.

Like A Bolt. Lightning McQueen x FEM Reader Fanfic!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora