44)Infinity war is upon us-Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha Romanoff x daughter Reader
After being "too young" according to her mother, y/n was not part of the civil war fight however when her mom becomes a fugitive of the law, poor y/n is left behind in the avengers compound, how did she take it? Can she grow a bond with her mom once more?
(For the sake of this story let's pretend Nat can have kids and y/n isn't adopted)
Y/n's pov:
There she is. Right in front of me. Do I hug her? No, no I can't. She left me behind. She didn't care about me, u don't do that to your child. But I miss my mom. Oh no she's coming over quick, do something.

*flashback to the day of civil war*

The team is in absolute chaos. Mom agrees with Uncle Tony and not Uncle Steve for once that's already a huge issue. But second of all everyone's fighting and it's not going away. Something about the sokovia accords, I don't really know what they are because I'm still a child, I can't sign them? I don't really understand the arguing but all I know is it's about this winter soldier guy and uncle Tony doesn't like him. My mom seems to know quite a lot about him which is strange but I won't question it because you know she's a Russian spy she probably had a mission based on him or something.

I really wanna join the fight and just fix things but to be honest arguing all day sounds boring. As much as we're dysfunctional at times we all still love each other. Well normally at-least, so no one being willing to compromise is really scaring me. I've been left here at the compound with aunt Pepper. As much as I'm 14 and can be here alone for one day, I do loved Pepper because she's still willing to help out even though she's going through a rough patch with uncle Tony. Then again he did give her his multi-million dollar company so she kinda does owe him one. I'm just really worried about mom and the others. What if they don't sort things out? What if they turn to violence? Oh surely they wouldn't.

All I know for certain is when mom gets home tonight we're gonna have a big movie night with snacks and everything.

*end of flashback*

Haha..it's funny because she didn't come back for our movie night. She didn't come back for two fucking years! I wanna scream at her but I just have the energy. She's getting closer and closer yet my minds getting further. She's right in front of me what do I do.

No ones pov:

Everyone stands there scared of what's about to happen. Either they can hug it out or they're gonna have a massive argument. Nat takes one more step and without thinking, like reflex y/n slaps her mom across the face. Everyone try's to avert their eyes somewhere else while Sam attempts to lighten the mood by saying "well this is more awkward than Nat and Bruce's reunion" this results in an elbow straight to the stomach from Wanda.

"Well I guess I deserved that" Nat starts "I really am sorry hun-"  y/n interrupts "save it, go on tell everyone the mission and make me stay here again to then disappear for another 2 years, hurry up I have other plans"
She goes to turn away but Nat grabs her arm. "Let go of me" y/n whispers anger laced in her voice. "No I won't and I know you won't do anything because I'm your mother and I know you better than anyone" Nat reply's smugly. Y/n stares at her in anger before responding "correction you did know me better than anyone but not anymore, and that title of mother might as well go to Pepper because she's ginger and has been there for me almost as long as you but you wanna know what the difference is between you two? The difference is she's never left me for two years without even saying goodbye."

Before the argument can get more heated Steve interjects. "Look y/n you have every right to be pissed but right now Thanos is coming for the stones and if we don't stop him half the universe is gone. Unlike your mom there will be no chance of it coming back so right now put the past behind you and suit up"

With that y/n storms out of the room to go put on her super suit designed especially for her by her uncle Tony. She bares a mix of emotions she's so angry but also wants to cry. There's a similar emotion in her mother's heart, she also wants to cry but feels guilt instead of anger. Wanda picks up the emotions and goes to find y/n.

Y/n's pov:

I want to scream at her so badly but I also just want my mom. She absolutely deserves none of my forgiveness yet I wanna forgive her and put this whole thing in the past. "Hey hunny are you in there?" Wanda gently asks knocking on the door. I rolls her eyes but lets her in as there's no hope of making her go away, she's one determined witch. "Before you shut your mom out just know that she wanted to come back, she tried but was stopped by that Ross guy" Wanda pulls me in for a hug and I don't stop her, feeling lost for words I mutters out a quiet "really" Wanda nods "she wanted to come back for you everyday, she really did. I swear to you there's not been a day that's gone by where she hasn't felt guilty for not coming back for you"

With that she smiles at me and leaves. Well shit now I feel guilty.

No one's pov:

5 minutes later y/n appears fully suited up. She ignores everyone and gets on the Quinjet. Not long after everyone else starts to board the ship. Once they take off y/n walks over to her mom and without saying anything hugs her and begins to sob uncontrollably. Nat, for the first time ever lets down her guard and also sobs while pulling her daughter closer. The rest of the avengers all turn away and give them some privacy. "I'm sorry for leaving I wanted to comeback, I tried" Nat sobs out. "I know and I'm sorry what I said mom I didn't mean it, I wouldn't want any other mother but you" y/n responds.

The rest of the journey they sit in each others company hugging, each one feeling a mix of different emotions. Y/n breaks the silence by asking, "now who's this winter soldier guy and why do people always look at me funny whenever he's brought up"

"Well...." Nat begins


FIRST POST OF 2024 IM BACK BABY, probs not for long but still. I hope you enjoy, might make a part 2 I have some ideas but I'm not sure!

Remember to eat, sleep and drink

Love you guys 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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