40)First day of school sucks-Scarlett Johansson

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Scarlett x reader
Context:Your Scarlett's secret daughter and the new kid at school. Will it been fun and better than your old school or will you be bullied again?

Y/ns pov:
So todays my first day of my new school. I'm going into the 9th grade and I'm more than a little worried. Moving to Highschool is already a big deal but when you have a secret like mine you see life can be come quite challenging.

My mom has always kept me hiding from media because originally it was so I could grow up and have a normal childhood but now it's so I'm not classed as a nepo baby as I wanna follow my moms footsteps into acting when I'm older. It's nice living the life of like a secret spy but it's kinda draining. I never make that many friends because they always leave after a while when they can't come round or meet my parents and do normal teenager activity's with me. It is cool being the goddaughter to like half the marvel cast though.

Back to school focus. I think I'm gonna just gonna keep my head down this year. Be the cool mysterious girl. Kidding I hate the idea of that. I would love to make friends but I honestly don't know if I wanna go through the pain of losing them after like a week anymore. I'll take it day be day and see how it goes.

Scarlett's pov:
I'm so excited and scared for my daughter to start Highschool. It's a fresh start for her and I feel like this year will finally be the one she makes some real friends. I've woke up slightly earlier today to make some of my special 'back to school pancakes'. I know she's been up for a while and she's gotta leave soon so I'll have to call her down if she's ready or not.

"Hey hun come down for breakfast please, we gotta be on our way soon" I call up to her. I hear a faint "coming mom" as I finish dishing up her pancakes. "Wow mom it smells so good" she complimented making her way into the kitchen. I put her plate on the island bench next to mine and sit down. "So how we feeling about the first day, excited? Nervous? Bit of both?" I ask her just checking up. "I'm excited to finally move to a new school but a lil worried about trying to make friends" she replies honestly. I give her a sympathetic smile as I think back to when she finally told me she was being bullied.


Something about y/n has been off recently. I don't know what but I need to figure out soon because I miss my smiley little girl. "Hey hun come sit" I pat the seat next to me on the couch and she joins me. I hug her and just simply wonder, "What's wrong with my little y/n/n at the moment, who's made her beautiful smile go away" it's a playful but genuine kinda tone as I don't want her to think I'm demanding answer. She takes in a deep breath and her eyes begin to fill with tears "well, this girl called Ella has been kinda horrible to me recently and she just keeps saying mean things, and I didn't believe her at first and tried to not let it get to me but she started getting other people to say the same things and it kinda got harder to ignore. I would have told you sooner but with work I didn't want to put anymore stress on you, I'm sorry" (SORRY IF UR NSMES ELLA IM SURE UR A LOVELY PERSON <3) she starts to cry so I hug her tight. "Oh hunny you will always be my top priority and I would always do anything for you, there is nothing to apologise for I love you" I know she hasn't told me what this girls saying but I don't wanna pressure her too much "you only have a few weeks left at that school so I can pull you out and homeschool you for it?" I suggest she shakes her head "like you said I only have a few weeks left and I don't want her to think shes won"
I smile at my brave girl and gently push the hair off her face.

*end of flashback*

"Okay before you go we NEED to take the first day back at school picture" I tell her, it's a silly little tradition we have had ever since kindergarten and it's not ending just because she's going to Highschool, "and smile". She pulls a half smile and rolls her eyes once the picture is taken. "Okay I really have to go so let's hurry and get in the car" she jokingly demands. I giggle and roll my eyes as I grab the key and head out the door.

We drive along listening to Taylor Swift. This girl is honestly so obsessed with her. I cant help but worry about her the closer we get to the new school. "Okay mom I love you, and I'll let you know if anything bad happens, see you after school" she tells me and waves goodbye.

I just really hope she has a good day

Hey guys sorry I'm not posting as frequently. I'm so drained from school, still back tho!

This post was supposed to be around beginning of September but obviously that didn't happen just due to how tired I've been.

Anyways eat, sleep and drink enough water pls <333

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