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I ran to the theatre as soon as Bella and I arrived at the school. My audition for Eurydice was four classes and a lunch period away. I had to practice my monologue so I didn't completely embarrass myself. Angela was waiting for me; her eyes met mine and I took off towards her. She met me halfway and I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. "What happened, Connie? You never called me back or came into the restaurant," Angela whispered to me. It took every bit of strength I had to not cry; I could still feel those hands on my body. My head shook, "Nothing, it was a weird night and all. Jasper took me home and I never had my ringer on. I am so sorry." Angela let me go and looked at my face; I know she can see the deceit in my eyes but Angela won't push. 

"Are you ready to practice?" She changed the subject for me. I nodded, "I'm doing the opening monologue from 'The Effects of X-Gamma Rays on Man-On-The-Moon Marigolds". Angela smiled, "That's perfect." I smiled and climbed the stairs to get on the stage. A single stage light turned on and the nerves sent a shiver down my back. I stepped forward so my body was only slightly illuminated, "My name is Connie Lovings and I will be performing the monologue from Act 1, Scene 1 from 'The Effects of X-Gamma Rays on Man-On-The-Moon Marigolds' as Tillie". My voice was shaking so I took a deep breath and stepped forward into the light. I looked out and I couldn't see anything besides darkness, the stage light preventing blocking anything past the stage. Then, I began.

"He told me to look at my hand, for a part of it came from a star that exploded too long ago to imagine." I held my right hand out, observing my warm skin that I shared with my mom, "This part of me was formed from a tongue of fire that screamed through the heavens until there was our sun. And this part of me, this tiny part of me, was on the sun when it itself exploded and whirled in a great storm until the planets came to be." I turned my hand over, as if I could feel the words moving up my veins and I began to drag my left hand over my skin,  "And this small part of me was then a whisper of the earth. When there was life, perhaps this part of me got lost in a fern that was crushed and covered until it was coal. And then it was a diamond millions of years later, it must have been a diamond as beautiful as the star from which it had first come."

I paused, "Or perhaps this part of me became lost in a terrible beast, or became part of a huge bird that flew above the primeval swamps." I smiled before continuing, "And he said this thing was so small, this part of me was so small it couldn't be seen, but it was there from the beginning of the world." 

The smile on my face grew as a closed my eyes, "And he called this bit of me an atom. And when he wrote the word, I fell in love with it."

I paused, "Atom".


I took a deep breath, "What a beautiful word". 

The silence echoed in my ears for what could have been an hour or a few seconds. Then the clapping started. I knew it was Angela, so I moved out of the light, "Seriously Ang, I need notes. What was the worst part?"

"Your confidence." My eyes snapped up. Mrs. McDonald stands in front of me, off the stage. Her hands were folded over each other  and I realized that she was the one clapping, "That was beautiful, Ms. Lovings. I could hear every emotion in every second." My mouth was wide, "Thank you, but I was only practicing". Mrs. McDonald chuckled, "If that was you practicing, I am very excited to see what you can do on opening night."

I took a step back, "Opening night? I haven't even auditioned!" Her hand waved me off, "No need now, I have found my Eurydice." I looked past her to see Angela standing in the back of the theatre. Her hands were covering her mouth as she jumped up and down. I looked back at our teacher and she nodded, turning to get on the stage. A grin like a cat's found its way to my face and I sprinted towards Angela, wrapping my arms around my best friend.


I sat in my normal seat for History. The school felt extra loud today and my high from getting the lead in the school lasted about ten minutes until I remembered that meant I had to perform in front of a crowd. The first three classes were a blur of nothing and everything; I had to address Jasper at some point and I had to think about how I would get through a two hour play without throwing up. I was staring at my notebook in the class until my seat mate sat next to me. "Hey Brandy." I spoke softly and I didn't even think she heard.


I whipped my head to the left to see Jasper sitting next to me, pulling out his textbook. This time, I didn't stare at his beautiful face with my normal adoration, but I stared at him with a sick thought, Would he be willing to kill me right here?

My breathing intensified and my heart pounded. Jasper no longer seemed like an angel; he looked like the devil in disguise. The muscles that are worth drooling over held strength that could crush my bones and I imagine blood covering his mouth, spilling on his jaw and down his clothes. His arm brushed mine. Suddenly, all I could see was a body at his feet and eyes as red as crimson. Panic flooded my veins as I all but scurried out of my seat. I grabbed my notebook and my school bag, my feet carrying me to the door. The teacher shouted after me as I slammed the door open and sprinted down the hall. I made it out the parking lot before I tripped. The ground was slick with rain and I was drenched in seconds. Pain spread through my palms and knees. 

I couldn't breath. I choked every second and felt cold seep into my skin. All I could think about was Jasper standing there, a victim in front of him. It wouldn't go away, the picture burned into my mind. He was in an old soldiers uniform and his eyes were wild. Feral. 

"Connie!" My head turned to see Jasper and Rosalie running towards me. I rushed to my feet, my bag slung over my shoulder. They caught up to me in a blur. I turned at the last second and put my hands up, causing both to stop a mere yard in front of me. "Please don't come any closer!" I shouted over the rain. It registered that they could hear me if I had whispered but I couldn't think more on that. Rosalie looked beautiful even in the rain, "Connie, please. I know you're scared right now but just hear us out". My brain was running a million miles a second, "What do you even have to say? That I'm overreacting to two people I admired being VAMPIRES?"

They visible froze at the word so I continued, "I have sat in that school everyday, and I imagined being friends with you! Thought about how I could even be blessed to walk on the same earth you did! I pictured talking to you and then when I wanted to, I was too scared to even approach the infamous Cullens!"

Jasper took a step towards me, "Connie, I have wanted to talk to you everyday since I arrived here. I looked at you and wanted to be near you, to get to know you." I shook my head because I didn't know what to say. Rosalie stepped towards me next, and then another, "I'm sorry we didn't get to tell you our secret, I'm so sorry you had to figure it out. Just give us a chance and we'll explain everything." 

This was the moment to make a decision: Do I turn around and walk home in the rain or willingly go and potentially put myself in the room with vampires? Rosalie stretched out her hand. I was afraid. Afraid of being murdered and afraid of letting them go. If I walked away, I would never understand. That was logical. If I went with them, I'm taking a risk to possibly have the man and friends of my dreams. That was emotional. Do I follow logic or my heart?

For once in my life, the decision felt easy. I reached my hand out and took Rosalie's. The second we touched, I saw it. Rosalie in a wedding dress, blood on her hands and evil in her eyes. She was smiling, but not like when she smiled at me. It was a chilling, fear driving smile. I screamed and rushed backwards, tripping over rocks. The ground disappeared from under my feet and the world tilted. My head slammed on the asphalt and my eyes rolled. My eyelids felt heavy and I blinked slowly as Jasper and Rosalie entered my vision. Jasper was talking but I couldn't hear him. His mouth was moving and he kept looking between Rosalie and me. They both looked scared as Jasper put his hand under my head. His hand was more cold then the wind.

My ears were ringing and my vision went in and out. The pain was everywhere, in my head and down my back. Something soft replaced Jasper's hand and I watched Jasper run his hand through his hair, red smearing on his forehead and in the golden locks. Is that my blood?

I couldn't think, I don't think I can even breath. Finally, I let my eyes close and faded into the black. 

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