Missouri watched the two hunters enter the room together and raised a brow at them. Venus stared at her blankly, hoping that she wouldn't suddenly be able to read her mind at that very moment. She exhaled a sharp puff of air once the psychic turned away with a defeated expression.

"If there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it," Missouri told them after looking around the room for some time.

Venus looked around as well, taking in the light blue paint that coated the walls, and the bookshelf in the corner with flower stickers covering it. This was Sari's room.

"Why?" Sam asked Missouri, an odd feeling dwelling in his chest.

"This used to be your nursery, Sam," Missouri explained, "This is where it all happened."

Venus watched Sam's eyes turn up to the ceiling, anxiety radiating from him in waves. She moved closer and placed her hand in his, squeezing it gently, a silent reminder that she was there.

Sam sent her a grateful look, her actions calming him slightly but not completely.

Dean looked around cautiously, then pulled out his EMF meter, turning it on.

Missouri seemed to sense the device and turned to Dean. "That an EMF?"



Venus released Sam's hand and took a step further into the room, deciding to try and look for any physical traces of another presence. But she heard Dean's EMF meter pinging and looked back to see it flashing red.

Missouri held her open palm over a few pieces of furniture before stopping and looking at the hunters with furrowed brows. "I don't know if you should be disappointed or relieved, but this ain't the thing that took Mary."

"Are you sure?" Sam spoke up, "How do you know?"

"It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's something different."

"Got any idea what it is?" Venus chimed in.

Missouri walked over to the closet and threw both doors open, "Not it, them," she walked in, "There's more than one spirit in this place."

"What are they doing here?" asked Dean.

"They're here because of what happened to your family," Missouri approached them, "You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you," her gaze seemed locked in on Sam, "It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds, and sometimes wounds get infected."

The youngest Winchester shook his head. "I don't understand."

Venus looked down in thought for a moment then looked up at the psychic. "The energy left over from that night...it brought a poltergeist here didn't it?"

Missouri nodded firmly. "A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead."

"You said there was more than one spirit," Sam reminded her.

"There is," she moved over to the closet, "I just can't quite make out the second one."

"Well, one thing's for damn sure," Dean piped up, glancing at his worried little brother, "Nobody's dying in this house. Ever again. So whatever is here, how do we stop it?"

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 - Dean Winchester (1)Where stories live. Discover now