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Tired. I'm so tired, scratch that, I'm exhausted. We've been walking for hours to get away from...there. "Halle" my voice is rough and scratchy, I'm so thirsty. "I'm tired Chloe" "I know but we have to keep going". I can't go back, I refuse to go back just to suffer. Tired...Tired...TIRED...my legs gave out and I went tumbling down the hill right into the middle of the road. I could hear Halle scream my name and call for help, she's so silly we're in the middle of nowhere no one is going to hear her. I could feel my body go limp as everything faded to black.


I hate driving in the middle of the night with Blue, I'm to paranoid that something might happen to her and I dread anything happening to my baby.

I could hear her light snores as me and Jay sat in silence, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

We've been arguing quite a lot lately, our latest argument over the fact that I feel something is missing in my life and I think that I might want more kids. He disagrees stating how he doesn't want me to have to go through another traumatic pregnancy or birth experience I understand where he's coming from but I don't want to let the thought of more kids go that easily Blue needs someone judging by how lonely she has been.

"What if we adopt" My eyes scanned his face as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Adopt" he questioned looking at me with soft eyes.

"Yes adopt, it wouldn't be the first time in my family" My thoughts travel to my youngest sister Kiara and her adoption into my family.

Suddenly the car jerks forward causing me to hit my head on the dashboard and Blue to wake up.

"What the hell" I stared at my husband as he stared straight ahead squinting to see in the dark. "Shh...what's that" "Hm" I looked ahead to see what he was looking at and froze once I saw a silhouette crouching over something in the middle of the road.


No no no "Chloe wake up, please" I begged as bright lights flashed in my peripheral vision. Fear, panic, and chills ran through my body as I realized a car was speeding right towards us.

My grip on Chloe tightened as I was put in a trance like a deer in headlights.

The car stopped a mere foot away from me and Chloe, it was close enough to where I could make out three figures, but too dark to make out any features.

I panicked as I saw a tall, dark man get out on the driver's side and walk towards me. But that panic turned into astonishment as I realized who stood before me.

"Are you alright" his voice was soft but his face was stone-cold. I stayed silent too terrified to speak as my eyes traveled to my sister still out cold.

I heard footsteps coming closer and a female figure holding a child loom over me, I could already guess who it was. Her voice raspy as she asked the same question her husband did that I still couldn't answer, at least not out loud.

We stared at each other until she glanced at my sister her eyes now wide and filled with worry.

"Is she alive" She crouched in front of Chloe and placed a hand on her chest "She's breathing" I laid my head on her chest tears welling up in my eyes as I heard her labored breaths.

"Help...HELP HER...please help" My tears wouldn't stop flowing "She's in pain I'm in pain help please" I felt a hand rub my back as I choked on my words. I could hear them saying something to me but I couldn't make out what as I continued to cry on my sister only stopping when I felt arms wrap around me, arms that I felt safe in.

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