3.9 - a friendly reunion :D

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"Well, no matter how impatient we get, in the end it's all up to her," Todoroki responded.

"Oh." Kirishima's eyes widened. "She came."

Yaoyorozu Momo exited the hospital, holding a bag. She assessed the large group before turning her head away, almost shamefully. "I... I wasn't aware there would be so many people..."

Awase did a quick headcount under his breath. He was there, along with Rin, Kaibara, Tsuburaba, Kamakiri, Tokage, Kendou, and Monoma from his own class. Then, from 1-A there was Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, and now Yaoyorozu. Twelve people. This is way too many people for something that's supposed to be discreet, and most were from his own class.

"Yeah, I don't know how we ended up with so many people," Kirishima shrugged. "But Yaoyorozu, what's your answer...?"

Everyone's eyes drifted towards Yaoyorozu, and she felt so pressured under the stares.

"I..." she tentatively began before being interrupted.

"Wait!" a voice boomed from behind the group. Everyone turned to see 1-A's class president, Iida Tenya. He stood stiffly, though his arms were slightly quivering from how hard he was holding his tight fists.

"Iida," Kirishima gasped.

He took a step closer, his whole body tensed in anger, which threatened to boil over. "Why... Of all people... Why you guys!?" He gestured an accusatory hand towards Kendou. "You! You're a class president like me! You should be–"

Tokage jumped in front of her class president. "Hey, don't yell at her!" she said, as if she wasn't yelling at everyone just a few hours ago.

Kendou put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back slightly. "Look, Iida-san, I am trying, but who am I to stop them! Let's be for real, we're all just students and we're all at the same level. I don't have any authority over them." As she spoke, it was clear that she was stressed just as much as he was. Only, she was trying harder than him to keep her composure. Kendou was glad Tetsutetsu hadn't heard about this little rescue mission, or else... Well, he somehow would've managed to convince her to go, with his charismatic self.

Really, what is she supposed to do? She can't control her classmates. They're old enough to make their own judgements, right? If this is really something they want to do, would it not be selfish to try to stop them? They're trying to be heroic, after all. She wanted to save you, too, but she knew her place. She knew that this was too dangerous.

"I apologize. This is just so stressful for everyone. Which is exactly why we all need to think deeply about our actions and the possible consequences." Iida grinded his white teeth together. His wide shoulders squared in aggravation, and his body became even tenser. He turned to look at Todoroki and Midoriya specifically. "The two of you, who scolded me for my own reckless pursuit... Who received a special pardon after that incident...! Why are you guys trying to make the same mistake I made!?"

"What incident?" Monoma quickly jabbed. "What, did 1-A get into even more trouble? Was [last name] dragged into this, too?" Somehow Class A was always at the center of UA's problems. He knew that one day, his class would get involved too.

Kirishima furrowed his brows and he threw his arms out in exasperation. "What is your problem, man!? Why are you even here?" Todoroki placed a hot hand on his shoulder to keep him from lunging forward.

Kaibara slapped a hand over Monoma's pink lips to shut him up. "Don't mind him," he said. "He's just frustrated like the rest of us."

Monoma freed himself from Kaibara's half-hearted grasp. "My problem is that [last name] isn't safe right now! You two, Endeavor's son and the All Might fanboy, you two were there! You're supposed to be better than us!" he poisonously voiced. "So why weren't you?"

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