Chapter 4

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~Brandon's POV~

It's been about a month since Abbie and I started dating. I hate to say but it's been the best month of my life. She moved in with me and it's been amazing having her around the house.

Abbie got hired at Addie's school as a educational assistant (EA) so she's been really busy lately. She really likes her job and I'm glad she got hired since I'm gonna be leaving soon to start the playoffs in Nashville.

Our first series of the 2015 playoffs is against Nashville. I'm really excited to start because I feel like we have a really good chance.

"Hi honey, I'm home." I heard Abbie say as she came through the front door.

"Hello beautiful, how was your day?" I asked her as I kissed her.

"Good! I'm starting to learn some of the kids in the school's names!"

"That's great! Do you work all summer?"

"I work till July 1st. "

"That's good. Why did Addie graduate so early?"

"I actually don't know the reason for that. I find it pointless but I'm just glad Ad had a good time at grad."

"Me too. Connor told me that him and her are getting pretty close."

"Aww! If they start dating that would be the cutest thing ever!" Abbie said getting pretty excited.

I started laughing as I got up and grabbed Abbie and I a bottle of water.

"What are we doing night babe?" She asked me.

"Well, it's my last night in Chicago till after game 1 and 2 so maybe we could stay in and get to bed early?"

"Awesome! A movie marathon?"

"That's why I love you." I said smiling.

"I love you too but I'm gonna go have a shower and get into some comfortable clothes."

"I'll start dinner, what do you want?"

"Surprise me." She said with a wink before disappearing into our bed room.

I decided to cook Steaks with potatoes and onions. I got the food cooking and decided to call Andrew (Shaw).

~Abbie's POV~

I had a quick shower and after I was done I walked to my closet. I picked out a pair of Roots sweatpants and one of Brandon's Hawks sweater. I combed my hair out and decided to let it air dry.

I walked over to the couch in our room and sat down. I went on Instagram on my phone and posted a picture of Addie and I at her graduation,

*@AbbieGales8 Couldn't be more proud to call this girl, my sister but more important my best friend💗💗 @AddieGales_*

I scrolled through my feed and walked back out to the kitchen where Brandon was making our dinner.

"I like your photo on Instagram." He said to me when I walked out.

"Thank you." I said as I started laughing.

We ate our dinner and had our movie marathon. We both fell asleep on the couch.

Love Me Long Time // A Brandon Saad Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now