chapter 3 - oh?

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As I finish my workout, I walk through the gym. I'm really happy with how well equipped it is. The music is blaring in my ears and I'm glad that my workout went so well and that the day is coming to an end.

Suddenly I'm bumped into from the left. "Hey!" I say loudly, startled. I take out my headphones and realize that the same man from earlier is standing next to me.

He turns around and looks me in the eye. "Oh. My fault, Rookie." he says, a little embarrassed that he didn't see me as he was walking backwards.

I smile a little nervously. "Oh um... it's okay. Happens." I say and nod. I start to walk on and suddenly I hear "Hey, Rookie!"

I stop and turn around. "Yeah?" I ask, a little confused.

He walks a few steps towards me. "What's your name?"

I swallow. "Anja. Anja Fleischer." I reply.

His eyes sparkle when I mention my name. "Fleischer? Like Butcher?" he asks me.

I see his eyes look at me with curiosity. "Yes... Sir." I say, a little confused as to what to call him. And even though I can't make out his face, I can see from his eyes that he's smiling.

"Schön dich kennenzulernen, Anja." he suddenly says in perfect German. Oh?

I accept the fact that he speaks German without questioning it, as I don't want to probe out of respect. If he's wearing a mask, he's certainly making an effort to keep personal information secret.

"Likewise... Um..." I say, hoping he'll tell me his name.

"König." he replies curtly, extending his hand to me. "Colonel König."

My eyes widen and I shake his hand. I hadn't expected such a high status. I realize how intimidated I am, but I try not to let it show.

"Well then, Anja." he says as he turns away slightly. "I'm sure we'll bump into each other a few more times," he says as he turns around.

I just nod and realize I'm blushing. Was that a friendly reminder or a warning? I ask myself as I leave the gym and make my way to my room. As I walk through the hallway, I rethink the encounter but think nothing of it.

I enter my room and start to get ready for bed. Shortly after I lie down in bed, I fall asleep. Exhausted from my workout and eager to see what the future holds.

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