chapter 4 - eye contact

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My alarm clock rings at 05:30 in the morning. I get up and start getting ready for the day. Morning rounds start at 06:00 and breakfast is served at 07:30. After I've washed and dressed, I leave my room and step into the hallway where a familiar face is waiting for me.

"Good morning Anja, are you ready?" Liam, who has become my closest person around over the last few days, asks me.

"Morning, yes, let's go," I say and we walk down the corridor to the base's sports field, where we meet the other rookies.

It's cold this morning and there's a light mist in the air. We run a few laps of the sports field and play a bit of soccer to start the day. I'm bloody awful at soccer. It might be the most popular sport in Germany, but for me it's the most boring. I'm more into rugby, even if I would never play it myself.

As we rookies walk in our closed group from the sports field to the canteen for breakfast, I see Colonel König standing next to another masked man. He is slightly shorter than König, but at least as broad. He's wearing a mask that resembles a skull. I'm pretty sure this is Lieutenant Ghost, who I've heard a lot about. For example, that he's a grumpy old man. I think to myself and grin. König and my gaze's meet and he nods once at me. I smile briefly and nod back. Then Ghost turns to me too and I see his eyes staring at me. His hands are tucked into his pants pockets just like König's. Oh wow, creepy. I think as I turn away.

König & Ghost & Female MCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu