9 The Idiot's Lantern I

Start from the beginning

"Oh, but this is a brilliant year, classic!" The Doctor smiled. "Technicolor! Everest climbed! Everything off the ration! A nation throwing off the shackles of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future!" Rose, and I laugh at The Doctor as he spoke in a sophisticated accent.

"Someone help me, please! Ted!" We heard a woman scream quickly, ending our joy.
We turn to see two men holding someone with their face covered by a bag as they loaded the person into a black car. Both men were in suits.

"Leave him alone! That's my husband!" The woman, shouted. "Please!"

The Doctor, I and Rose quickly ran over.

"What's going on?" The Doctor asked.
The person was pushed into the car.

"Oi! What are you doing?" someone yelled, and a boy came running out of his house.

"Police business. Get out of the way, sir." One of the men told us.

"Who did they take? Do you know him?" Rose asked the boy who looked to be in his teens.

"Must be Mr. Gallagher." The boy answered. The men got into the car and started driving away. "It's happening all over the place. They're turning into monsters.

"Tommy!" An angry man who must be the boys father yelled. "Not one word. Get inside now!"

"Sorry, I'd better do as he says." Tommy went back inside his house.

Quickly, we ran over to the scooter hopping on the Doctor presses the gas, and we drove after the car.

We followed the car, it was still a way ahead of us, but we could see it clearly. It turned the corner, and when we reach the corner, we turned. But there was no car. There was no other way for the car to go because the other side of the road was blocked. The only way they could've gone. Had a market stand with people working.

"Lost them. How did they get away from us?" The Doctor questioned.

"I'm surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you for reckless driving." Rose told him. "Have you actually passed your test?"

"Men in black? Vanishing police cars? This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia." The Doctor said.

"Monsters, that boy said." I say.

"Maybe we should go and ask the neighbours." Rose suggested.

"That's what I like about you, the domestic approach." The Doctor said.

"Thank you." Rose smiled. "Hold on. Was that an insult?"

The Doctor didn't answer and instead started to drive.


It was night when we rung on their door in unison the three of us said "hi" when the door opened, and the boys father stood in the doorway.

"Who are you, then?" The man asked.

"Let's see, judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war." The Doctor thought. "Therefore, I represent the Queen and country!" He pulled out his psychic paper. "Just doing a check of her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if we come in? No, I didn't think you did. Thank you." We pushed past him walking inside the house. "Not bad, very nice, very well kept." The Doctor said as we walked into the living room. "I'd like to congratulate you Mrs...?"

"Connolly." She answered.

"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife. She rattles on a bit." Mr. Connolly said.

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