[ 097 ] fight our way out together

Start from the beginning

Sirius pulled her closer, his hold on her tightening as his lips curled up, "it's Prongs' wedding, you know I won't behave."

"I'm only kidding, love," she rolled her eyes, "only bought this dress so you could take it off."

"That's what I like to hear," he rasped out, glancing from one of her irises to another. "First time being best man, I'm truly terrified."

Scarlet smiled lightly, "My second time being a bridesmaid, I am pretty used to this."

"There's a difference, alright? Between bridesmaid and maid of honour," Sirius huffed, "you'll understand when you're Chasseur's maid of honour, the tasks are way more difficult."

"I can't wait to be a maid of honour," the girl groaned, already mesmerised in the thought of planning an entire wedding for her best friend.

"You won't enjoy it when you get there," he muttered back, putting on a shiny black watch on his wrist and then tugging at the long sleeve of his white, ironed shirt, "I'm so very anxious right now."

"You'll be fine, you just have to stand there and try not to laugh."

Sirius glanced at her hesitantly, a look on his face that spelled out mischief, "you know... there is a way you could make me feel less anxious."

"Sirius!" She groaned again, throwing her head back in annoyance, "hurry up and give up on your odd fantasies, we're going to be late."

      OF COURSE, REMUS BEING ONE OF THE GROOMSMEN MEANT HE would have to walk down the aisle alongside a bridesmaid, and he was unluckily stuck with a fussy Everest who claimed the back of her dress was incredibly itchy. She walked like a cripple down the aisle, and stepped on Remus' foot several times with her high heels all whilst the boy did his best to keep a joyous face and hold onto the girl before she falls face-first. 

      Next in line were Sirius and Scarlet who locked arms with vivid smiles, and walked in rhythm down the carpet covered in flowers.

"Weddings are a tad tedious, don't you argree?" Sirius whispered lightly.

"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate." Scarlet replied with a sickly sweet smile to which the boy furrowed his brows deeply.

"On what? Walking?" 

      Scarlet was very glad to be separated from Sirius and his idiotic questions once they reached the end of the aisle, and she took a place next to Eve with a bouquet in her hands.

      The music softened. The guests accumulating the expanse turned over their shoulders. 

      Lily had her arm locked with Mr Potter who walked her down the aisle, birds chirping miraculously as the sun dove in over the horizon, and soft melody filling the overwhelmingly joyous air. The redhead wore a fluffy white gown with a long veil, a little tiara made of little white flowers resting on her wavy hair. Green eyes enchanting the entire crowd like a spell casting over the expanse of the garden. 

      Scarlet smiled vividly, and out of nowhere, a little frown overcame her expressions; she realised if Sirius and she were ever to get married, neither of their families would be there for support, their parents would not be by their sides. 

She averted her gaze to Sirius and found him already staring at her in pure adoration, although a frown similar to hers was plastered to his face, as though he knew what she was thinking. He mouthed, 'I love you' in her direction, and she mouthed back an answer softly, the smile stretching back on. Truly, nothing else mattered when Sirius Black was in her sight.

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