Not Human

112 7 1

(Same chapter as the last two chapters)

Amy runs down the stairs as he hears the Doctor's shout "Oh my God! Lizzie!" she exclaims, seeing her sister passed out. The Doctor lifts Lizzie into his arms and carries her to the medical wing of the Tardis "I've got you, Lizzie." he tells her, lying her on the bed. Amy holds Lizzie's hand as the Doctor scans her "What's wrong with her, Doctor?" Amy asks. "I-I don't know, nothing is showing up..." he trails off. "Doctor?" Amy asks. Just then, Lizzie starts shaking "Lizzie!" Amy shouts. The Doctor rolls Lizzie onto her side "Hold on, Lizzie." he tells her, seeing the bed beginning to glow gold. "Why's the bed glowing?" Amy asks. "It's the Tardis, she's helping her." the Doctor responds. Lizzie slowly stops shaking, Amy gently brushing her sister's hair back. The Doctor looks at the scans from Malohkeh and the Tardis "Doctor?" Amy asks, seeing the look on his face. "Do you and Lizzie know that she's adopted?" he asks. "Yeah, I knew the whole time and Lizzie was told when she was twelve. Why?" Amy asks. "Lizzie's scans... they show that she's not human. Well, not completely." he explains. Before Amy can respond, Lizze groans "Lizzie?" Amy asks her gently. "Amy?" Lizzie groans. "Hey, how you feeling?" she asks. "Fine, what happened?" Lizzie asks, trying to sit up. "Careful, you collapsed and had a seizure." the Doctor tells her. "What?" she asks in confusion. "You scared us both." Amy tells her. "Amy, why don't you go get Lizzie a drink? I'll stay with her." the Doctor suggests, Amy nodding and leaving the room.

The Doctor sits next to Lizzie "I looked at the scans, it turns out you're not completely human." he tells her. "Then what am I?" Lizzie asks in confusion. "About 75% of your DNA is Gallifreyan, Time Lord DNA." the Doctor explains. "H-How's that possible? I mean, I know I was adopted but..." Lizzie trails off, beginning to fiddle with her necklace. "I don't know." the Doctor tells her. "Can we find out who my parents are?" Lizzie asks him. "I can get the Tardis to find out for you." he nods. Lizzie continues fiddling with her necklace with a small frown on her face, the Doctor looking at her necklace "Where did you get that?" he asks. "I was found with it, it's the only thing from my birth family I have." Lizzie explains. "It's Gallifreyan, it means-." the Doctor tells her. "My Life, My Love, My Everything."Lizzie nods, looking at it herself. "Yeah, it does. I'll try and find something out for you." the Doctor assures her. "I know, I just want to know who I am." Lizzie explains. The Doctor wraps his arms round her, kissing the top of her head as she leans into him "Guess this means you're not on your own anymore." Lizzie tells him. The Doctor smiles "I guess it does." he tells her.

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Reminder of the necklace below

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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