Flesh and Stone

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Lizzie groans as she gets up off the floor "Up. Look up." the Doctor tells them all. "Are you okay?" River asks, checking on Amy and Lizzie. "Yeah." Lizzie responds as Amy nods. "What happened?" Amy asks. "We jumped." River tells her. "Jumped where?" Amy asks in confusion. "Up. Up. Look up." the Doctor tells her. "Where are we?" Amy asks, looking round. "Exactly where we were." Lizzy realises. "No we're not." Amy tells her sister. "Move your feet." the Doctor tells Amy, sonicing a circular hatch in the floor. "Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain." Amy asks, still confused. "Oh, come on, Amy, think. The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?" the Doctor tells her. "The artificial gravity." Lizzie smiles. "One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav globe to give us an updraft, and here we are." the Doctor nods. "Doctor, the statues. They look more like Angels now." Octavian warns. "They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army." the Doctor responds. Lizzie looks round, biting her lip with anxiety as the hatch opens and a light breaks "They're taking out the lights. Look at them. Look at the Angels. Into the ship, now. Quickly, all of you." the Doctor tells everyone.

"How? Doctor!" Amy exclaims as the Doctor jumps into the ship. "It's just a corridor. The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you. Don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move." the Doctor orders. River puts Lizzie in front of her "Go." she tells her, Lizzie nodding and jumping down into the ship. The octopus steadies her as she nearly slips "You alright?" he asks. "Yeah, I'm alright." Lizzie nods with a small smile. "Okay, men. Go, go, go!" Octavian orders his men as the Doctor works on a control panel. Lizzie stays close to him, eyeing the hatch warily "The Angels. Presumably they can jump up too?" Octavian asks, the hatch closing. "They're here, now. In the dark, we're finished." the Doctor responds. A bulkhead further along the corridor starts to close "Run!" the Doctor exclaims. "This whole place is a death trap." Octavian says as they don't reach the bulkhead in time. "No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic. Oh, just me then. What's through here?" the Doctor asks. "Secondary flight deck." River responds.

"Okay. so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah? So what if the gravity fails?" Amy asks. "I've thought about that." the Doctor responds. "And?" Lizzie asks. "And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See? I've thought about it. The security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them. It's impossible." the Doctor says as River works. "How impossible?" River asks. "Two minutes." he responds. The outer hatch opens, Lizzie turning to look "The hull is breached and the power's failing." Octavian tells the Doctor. The lights flicker, an arm appearing over the hatch "Sir, incoming." one of the men report. "Doctor? Lights."  Amy says, the lights continuing to flash as the Angels enter the corridor. "Clerics, keep watching them." Octavian orders as the Doctor fixes the lights. "And don't look at their eyes. Anywhere else. Not the eyes. I've isolated the lighting grid. They can't drain the power now." the Doctor adds. "Good work, Doctor." Octavian tells him. "Yes. Good, good, good. Good in many ways. Good you like it so far." the Doctor says, tossing his screwdriver from hand to hand repeatedly.

"So far?" Lizzie asks. "Well, there's only one way to open this door. I guess I'll need to route all the power in this section through the door control." the Doctor explains. "Good. Fine. Do it." Octavian tells him. "Including the lights. All of them. I'll need to turn out the lights." the Doctor adds. "How long for?" Octavian asks. "Fraction of a second. Maybe longer. Maybe quite a bit longer." the Doctor responds. "Maybe?" Octavian exasperates. "I'm guessing. We're being attacked by statues in a crashed ship. There isn't a manual for this." the Doctor tells him. "Doctor, we lost the torches. We'll be in total darkness." Amy points out. "No other way. Bishop." the Doctor tells Octavian. "Doctor Song, I've lost good Clerics today. You trust this man?" Octavian asks. "I absolutely trust him." River responds. "He's not some kind of madman, then?" Octavian asks her. "I absolutely trust him." River repeats, Lizzie smiling slightly. "Excuse me." the Doctor says, heading to the control panel. "Okay, Doctor. We've got your back." Octavian says after whispering to River. "Bless you. Bishop." the Doctor responds. "Combat distance, ten feet. As soon as the lights go down, continuous fire. Full spread over the hostiles. Do not stop firing while the lights are out. Shot gun protocol. We don't have bullets to waste." Octavian tells his men.

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