The Hungry Earth

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Lizzie smiles as the Doctor grabs her hand, pulling her out the Tardis "Behold, Rio

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Lizzie smiles as the Doctor grabs her hand, pulling her out the Tardis "Behold, Rio." he says, showing them a graveyard. "Nah." Amy says. "Not really getting the sunshine carnival vibe." Rory agrees. "No? Ooo, feel that, though. What's that?" the Doctor asks, jumping up and down. Lizzie frown, copying him and feeling the same "Ground feels strange. Just me and Lizzie. Wait. That's weird." the Doctor tells them, walking over to the grass with Lizzie. "What's weird?" Rory asks. "Doctor, stop trying to distract us. We're in the wrong place. Doctor, it's freezing and I've dressed for Rio. We are not stopping here. Doctor. You listening to me? It's a graveyard. You promised me a beach." Amy tells him. "Blue grass. Patches of it all around the graveyard. So, Earth, 2020-ish, ten years in your future, wrong continent for Rio, I'll admit, but it's not a massive overshoot." the Doctor admits. "Why are those people waving at us?" Amy asks, motioning to two people on the hill over looking the village. "Can't be." the Doctor says. Rory starts to wave back "Don't." Amy tells him. The Doctor uses a pair of binoculars "It is. It's you two." the Doctor tells Amy and Rory. "No, we're here. How can we be up there?" Rory asks. "Ten years in your future. Come to relive past glories, I'd imagine. Humans, you're so nostalgic." the Doctor tells them. "We're still together in ten years?" Amy asks. "No need to sound so surprised." Rory tells her.

"Hey, let's go and talk to them. We can say hi to future us. How cool is that?" Amy smiles. "Er, no, best not. Really best not. These things get complicated very quickly, and oh look. Big mining thing. Oh, I love a big mining thing. See, way better than Rio. Rio doesn't have a big mining thing." the Doctor smiles, playfully nudging Lizzie. "We're not going to have a look, are we?" Amy asks. "Let's go and have a look. Come on, you two, let's see what they're doing." the Doctor tells them, walking off with Lizzie. "Well, I know one thing for sure." Lizzie tells him. "And what's that?" the Doctor asks her. "The reason I wasn't up on that hill, I'm gonna be with you as long as I can. I've never felt more at home than I have when I'm on the Tardis with you, Amy and Rory. It's hard to explain, it just feels right." Lizzie smiles, the Doctor smiling back and putting his arms round her shoulders as Amy catches up with them.

The three of them reach the mine gates "Restricted access. No unauthorised personnel. Hmm." the Doctor reads, sonicing the lock open. "That is breaking and entering." Amy tells him. "What did I break? Sonicking and entering. Totally different." the Doctor tells her, Lizzie giggling. "Come on, then." Amy smiles, walking in with Lizzie. "You're sure Rory'll catch us up?" the Doctor asks. "Yeah, he always does." Lizzie tells him, going back and pulling him in by the hand. They walk inside and head down a hallway "What about now? Can you feel it now?" the Doctor asks Amy. "Honestly, I've got no idea what you're on about." Amy tells him. "The ground doesn't feel like it should." Lizzie tells her. "It's ten years in the future. Maybe how this ground feels is how it always feels." Amy suggests. "Good thought, but no, it doesn't. Hear that, drill in start-up mode. Afterwaves of a recent seismological shift and blue grass." the Doctor says, putting a few blades of grass in his mouth. Lizzie giggles at the look on his face "Oh, please. Have you always been this disgusting?" Amy asks. "No, that's recent. What's in here? Hello." the Doctor smiles, walking into a store room with the girls following him. "Who are you? What're you doing here? And what're you wearing?" a lady asks. "I dressed for Rio." Amy complains. "Ministry of Drills, Earth and Science. New Ministry, quite big, just merged. It's lot of responsibility on our shoulders. Don't like to talk about it. What are you doing?" the Doctor asks. "None of your business." the lady tells him.

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