an example of jade repeating her mother's words

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The atmosphere in the Hollywood Arts hallway was thick with tension. Tori had made a mistake, a big one, and the repercussions were felt by the entire gang. But while everyone was upset, Jade's reaction was the most intense.

"That little bitch can't do anything right!" Jade spat out, her voice dripping with venom. She refused to even look at Tori, let alone say her name. "She only knows how to mess things up!"

The gang exchanged uneasy glances. They were used to Jade's sharp tongue, but this was different. It was personal, and it was cruel.

Beck's face darkened with anger, not at Tori, but at Jade. He recognized those words. He had heard them before, not from Jade, but from someone else.


A younger Jade, around 10 years old, stood in the living room of her house, tears streaming down her face. She had accidentally broken a vase, a family heirloom. Ellen, her mother, having recently given birth to Jack and thus even more on the edge than usual, stood over her, her face contorted with rage.

"You little bitch, you can't do anything right!" Ellen screamed, her voice echoing through the room.

Jade, her small frame shaking with sobs, tried to apologize, but the words wouldn't come out. All she could do was cry, feeling the weight of her mother's words crushing her spirit.

End of Flashback

Beck grabbed Jade's arm, pulling her away from the group. "Jade, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm.

Jade yanked her arm away, her eyes blazing with fury. "Why? So you can defend her? She doesn't deserve it! She can go fuck herself for all I know!"

Beck took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "This isn't about Tori, Jade. This is about you. Those words you used, they're not yours. They're your mother's."

Jade's face paled, and for a moment, she looked vulnerable. "I don't know what you're talking about," she muttered, avoiding Beck's gaze.

Beck gently cupped Jade's face, forcing her to look at him. "Jade, I know it hurts. I know what your mother said to you. But you can't let her words define you. You can't let her poison spread to others."

Jade's eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them away. "I don't need a lecture from you, Beck. Just leave me alone."

Beck sighed, feeling helpless. "Jade, I love you. But you need to learn to let go of the past. You need to learn to heal."

Jade pulled away, her walls back up. "I don't need to do anything," she snapped. "Just stay out of my way."

With that, she stormed off, leaving Beck standing there, his heart heavy with worry and sadness.

Beck watched as Jade's retreating figure disappeared around the corner. He felt a mixture of frustration, sadness, and concern. He knew that Jade's outburst wasn't just about Tori's mistake; it was a culmination of years of pent-up anger and pain from her tumultuous relationship with her mother.

Andre approached Beck, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Man, that was intense. Is Jade okay?"

Beck sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Andre. She's been through a lot, and sometimes it just... it just bubbles up, you know?"

Andre nodded, "Yeah, I get it. But she shouldn't have taken it out on Tori like that."

Beck agreed, "I know. I'll talk to Tori and apologize on Jade's behalf."

As Beck made his way to find Tori, he couldn't help but think about Jade's past and the emotional scars she carried. He wished he could do more to help her, to make her see that she was so much more than the hurtful words her mother had thrown at her.

Finding Tori in the school's courtyard, Beck approached her with a sincere look. "Tori, I wanted to apologize for Jade's behavior earlier. She shouldn't have said those things."

Tori looked up, her eyes red from crying. "It's not your fault, Beck. But why did she react like that? I mean, I know I messed up, but her reaction was... it was just too much."

Beck hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Jade's been through a lot, Tori. Sometimes, she reacts in ways that might seem extreme. It's not an excuse, but I hope you can understand."

Tori nodded slowly, "I get it. Everyone has their demons. I just wish she'd talk to me instead of lashing out."

Beck smiled sadly, "I wish that too. But Jade's not one to open up easily. Just give her some time."

Tori sighed, "I'll try. Thanks for talking to me, Beck."

Beck nodded, "Of course. And again, I'm sorry."

As Beck walked away, he couldn't help but hope that one day, Jade would find the strength to confront her past and find the healing she so desperately needed.

Jade stormed off to one of the empty classrooms, slamming the door behind her. She was seething with anger, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She felt a mix of emotions - anger, shame, and sadness. She kicked a chair, sending it crashing against the wall.

"Why does he always have to defend her?!" Jade muttered to herself, her voice filled with frustration. She felt like she was constantly fighting for Beck's attention and affection, and it hurt to see him defend Tori, especially when she felt so wronged.

She slid down the wall, burying her face in her hands. Tears streamed down her face, but she refused to let anyone see her like this. The tough exterior she always put on was her shield, her way of protecting herself from the world. But in moments like this, the little girl inside of her, the one who just wanted to be loved and accepted, broke through.

"I didn't mean to break the vase," she whispered to herself, recalling the painful memory of her mother's harsh words. The memory was a constant reminder of her past, of the emotional scars she carried with her.

Outside the classroom, Beck stood, having followed Jade. He could hear her soft sobs, and it broke his heart. He wanted to comfort her, to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. But he also knew that Jade needed her space, that she wouldn't want him to see her like this.

He leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. He was angry at Jade for lashing out at Tori, but he was also angry at Jade's mother for the pain she had caused her. He wished he could take away all of Jade's pain, but he knew that wasn't possible.

After a few minutes, Jade's sobs subsided. She took a deep breath, wiping away her tears. She stood up, fixing her makeup and hair, putting on her tough girl mask once again. She opened the door, ready to face the world, but was surprised to see Beck standing there.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, neither of them said anything. Beck's eyes were filled with concern and love, while Jade's were filled with a mix of anger and vulnerability.

"Jade," Beck began, "I know you're hurting. But you can't keep lashing out at everyone. It's not fair to them, and it's not fair to you."

Jade looked away, her walls back up. "I don't need a lecture from you, Beck."

Beck sighed, "I'm not trying to lecture you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, always."

Jade's eyes softened for a moment, but she quickly looked away. "Just leave me alone," she muttered, walking away.

Beck watched her go, his heart heavy. He knew that Jade was struggling, and he wished he could do more to help her. But he also knew that Jade had to find her own way, and all he could do was be there for her when she was ready.

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